Jr. Devs: You Don’t Need To Learn Frontend Code!

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Most people teaching development these days are focused on the frontend and now we have a lot of devs all doing the same thing. Today I want to talk about many other options that don't require you to learn frontend code. If you are a developer who doesn't like frontend coding but you don't know of any other options... this video is for you!

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コメント (21)
  • @DCodePriest
    Roles : 1. Backend Developer 2. Devops Engineer 3. Database administrator 4. Data scientist 5. AI Dev
  • @UliTroyo
    If you hate CSS please do everyone a favor and stay away from the frontend.
  • @spidey00x
    I didn't want to try anything other than HTML, CSS and JS because I've spent a lot of hours trying to do something with that but it hasn't led me to ANYTHING. But I do have fun while coding, so I've decided to give backend and databases a try. Your channel is great. Also, English is not my native language, so I'm glad I can understand you this clearly! 😊
  • Excellent advice! I started with fronted (html, css, js, react, tailwind). I wanna learn backend also, but I believe I gotta get more experience on these fronted technologies before learning backend! I believe in that way I will consolidate the knowledge I’ve learnt
  • Really needed to hear this, I am one of those dev that struggles with frontend but thrive with backend. And I was not sure if I could go the backend route without trying to be full stack. This was really reassuring.
  • I went from the opposite end of mastering front-end dev especially building intuitive ui's and gaining intimate understanding of RWD initially beginning with hand coding web layouts from scratch to the point I could design and build any type of layout. I then began revisit writing dynamic web applications using PHP and became adept at that before realising the world had moved to JS running on the server (node.js). I now spend my time 60:40 (back-end coding : front-end builds) but there are is always something new to learn not to mention re-engineering old solutions and re-factoring old code bases etc. There is never a dull moment in dev and one must by nature, constantly be looking to build on what they already know and learning non-stop. If you don't like learning new things in this field and improving then this may not be the right field for you.
  • @sujit_webdev
    Thanks Dave for this video! As a developer who has learnt React for over 5 years and used it professionally for 2 years, I dread it and was looking to change my profile. This video answers my question.
  • @MeAndAdiZero
    agreed 100%. Last company I worked for literally had one frontend dev in the entire company. I feel like the barrier for entry in front end got much much higher over the years and now you are expected to know everything. With all that being said the demand just isn’t as high for frontend while there’s also likely more people who can and want to do it
  • I was in a coding boot camp, I learned JavaScript, React, and Ruby on Rails. I hate React with a passion but I use it anyway, currently learning Java and Spring boot now because I enjoy it more hoping to use it full time
  • A great and important video; thank you! I would like to add something to your list: Embbeded Systems Developer. Embedded Systems are everywhere (e.g. in cars, medical devices, etc.) and they are usually “low-end”, meaning that the hardware they are running on is quite limited, so that low-level efficiency matters. Therefore, compiled languages like C or C++ are used. It is hard-core, but worth an investigation!
  • @CaptMaxz
    I wondered what DevOps was without the memes and joke comments because I truly did not know what that meant. Thanks for mentioning that my current understanding of backend can branch to DevOps.
  • @andypanfu
    Thank you so much. As a junior looking for internships, I was overwhelmed because I have not taken any front-end courses at my college, I was learning everything on my own and I was getting tired since it is not something that I really enjoy working on. I thought that I needed front-end to be competitive, but now I can see more paths that resonate more with me. Is there any chance you have a roadmap on those paths? I would love to get started on one of those and hopefully get an internship soon.
  • @mkhai-sm5bi
    Is MERN stack worth it? I am still learning it at the moment and i must say CSS is really hard . Idk how people write a long line of code with multiple section and div just to create a button. I try to create a project and my best idea to compensate for frontend is to use a library 😂. Just ctrl+c ctrl+v with lil bit adjusting. Oh and does automation is categorized under machine learning?. Recently tried automating a task with python and selenium. Well credit goes to chatGPT , cause i just give the idea and find the necessary element and GPT code it 😂.
  • Great to stumble upon a channel with different perspective of wev dev other than full stack js. I just completed cs50 python and foundation of html css js in the odin project. I want to focus fully on backend with django. But got terribly confused seeing the mern stack plague in almost all bootcamps. Currently looking for ways to establish credibility as a backend dev. Also wonder if node.js can be of focus without any knowledge of react/angular...etc
  • @nogas9162
    How do you know that certain area is for you? A mean, without thinking that you are give out?
  • @Hoid1014
    What language do you recommend to work in the backend, I know Python and Java, but I can't decide whether to learn django or spring, recommend a path
  • Hi i'm curently learning Aws cloud computing, i'm looking to use Golang as a prefered language. Is that fine?
  • Out of these roles that you mentioned, which ones would you reckon are most suited to freelancing and/or contract work?
  • When I first started programming, there were no such terms as fromt end or back end. The mantra was consistent: learn the right tolls for the job. This meant learning whatever language, technology, stack, math, data structure, or algorithm it took to get the job done....right, that is.