DP/30 @ TIFF '13: Prisoners, director Denis Villeneuve

Shot in Toronto, September 2013

コメント (21)
  • @flippert0
    22:30 Q: "What will be the style of the movie?" DV: "It's very really simple. I'll chose the ugliest place and then I'll put Roger Deakins in it". Love this quote :-)
  • That guy is so humble and he's a real genius. I was stunned at the end of Prisoner. Now I can't believe he will make Bladerunner II. Im dying to see this! Denis c'est la crème de la crème.
    Jesus Christ. Im only 10mins into this interview and hes blowing my mind. hes bsaically reiterating my own thoughts and also presenting me with profound new ones * swoon *cinema as a way to envelope yourself a little more into the negative aspects of our personality?! Wow. Where has this guy been all my life! I cant believe I have not yet met a person who has observed me and my personality and who hasnt told me about this man and his works. This was 5 years ago? every word out of his mouth is in pure essence so fucking beautiful i could shed a tear.
  • @Snake711
    Prisoners is an impressive piece of cinema. Thank you for this
  • @tommyw_25
    What a great man! Can’t wait to see Dune.
  • PRISONERS HAS INSPIRED ME LIKE NOTHING ELSE. Im barely passable as a "writer" yet this film has shaken but affirmed pretty much every single one of my worldly/spiritual beliefs. What Prisoners specifically inspired me to think about. is a film or narration, that has no dialogue, perhaps screenplay even? where no dialogue is written. The only things that exist in this "Script" or whatever.. being theme's and symbols, etc, if I am able to further this harnessing of subconscious energy that Jake Gyllenhaal so eloquently describes in HIS version of this interview. I believe u do not need a single line of actual dialogue. to make an entire story work. Finding the right actors for each personality and theme; however, a whole different story haha. Noone steal this artsy-as-fuck idea from me i swear to God I WIll hunt u down. I am not sure yet if improv'd dialogue exists in the interpretation of this story or idea yet. but It has definitely inspired me like nothing ever has. and Im sure this is only the beginning.
  • @aphg77
    How great. Denis Villenueve, I admire you.
  • @dp30
    I haven't seen Ozzization. Missed it in Toronto. I look forward to having the chance to catch it here. But I can't really discuss what I haven't seen.
  • @RawLu.
    Amazing story that Blows Minds ;-)
  • awesome how on some words you can just hear his Quebec accent. i live in montpellier south of france, and i have to say the french canadian accent is awesome, well funny in some ways, but awesome