Apex Legends Responds To The Battle Pass Changes, Cheaters & More!

Published 2024-07-25
Apex Responds To The Battle Pass, Cheaters And More!

All Comments (21)
  • "im sorry because we wont make money" dont let your guard down
  • This is step 1 in fixing this BS, just don't congratulate them for fixing everything when it's still not fixed. Everyone should still remain cautious with apex
  • @SameOleBS
    The only reason they “listen” is because of the uproar lol
  • @knmbsst
    I think the good news will come when they fix the cheaters issue, the servers issue, the audio issues, the battle pass and skins are just content that don't modify anything in the game. It a step forward, but doesn't fix anything within the core game, however i hope they start listening
  • I believe they did this on purpose. It's a smart way to get people to adapt to change. For example, gas prices. They raise the price so high until people begin to react. Then they lower the price just a bit, and it seem better. But at the end of the day, the price still went up.
  • @NJ-qx3vb
    Ok this a massive W considering this is EA and respawn we are talking about. However, we must not stand down until we see proper gameplay changes and action being taken on the cheaters. 👍
  • @redzone4412
    Am I the only one that thinks this was part of their plan to make themselves look better while still making more money, I personally think an issue like this was idiotic from the start and I think respawn knew this would happen so responding positively was always in their best interest so they can make it look like they are responsive to sort of mask other things they do.
  • @buddylee19082
    I wish the community had come together like this on other issues in the past (cough cough $40 re-colors and nerfed IRONS from S3!?) (i know I'm petty)
  • @txma.
    Honestly considering the game has still been pulling well over 150k players daily on steam alone (steam charts) and probably just as much if not more on console, I'm genuinely surprised they came out and said anything. This is EA we're talking about, the only thing EA cares about is money, and if their game still has 400-500k players each day it's only logical that they would ignore most criticisms until that changed so this is very surprising coming from them. HOWEVER, this apology also paints Respawn as the fall guys, taking the blame for something that was obviously an EA decision
  • @mosemister
    The problem is. Every time they have said "we F-ed up", in time, they have attempted it again without the uproar Gambling for items (Iron Crown event) -> 10 seasons later, you guys forgot about that issue? Cool, here's some rewards to gamble for Prestige weapons -> we are sorry, how about a system where you need to gamble for a chance to get a recoloured weapon, only if you unlock all other gamble rewards you can get this recoloured weapon
  • People won't scream if they're heard when they talk. We wouldn't need to bust out the pitchforks if they had a better track record.
  • @Harnoor010
    I have never loved a game and hate it and love it again so fast lol
  • Its sad that it was actually Respawn and not EA decision. The changes were made due to: data that showed low engagement on battlepass. What they failed to see was low engagement is due to other factors like cheating, stability, and SBMM. These play a crucial role with players playing and actually grinding out the battlepass. All they had to do was add better content to battle passes. Useless stickers and charms can go and artists can focus on quality content. You have a declining playerbase and somehow that didn't click as to why battlebpass's have low engagement!?
  • @Star-Wayz
    The response was one of 3 options. 1) put out a statement doubling down on the bs 2) apology and revert 3) say nothing and double down on the bs Ill take option 2 whether you believe it's genuine or not.
  • This is like a bad relationship where someone cheats and tells you they’re sorry. They change for a while then go back to their old ways. Exactly what respawn is going to do.
  • This change is good. Spending the $10 to get the Ultimate is almost worth it just for the additional packs and the crafting mats.
  • @Rambo007-_-
    They planned on backpedaling from the beginning, this was great PR for them
  • I hope we still get voicelines, they drop some funny quips every now and then
  • This was 100% a PR stunt. They knew it would backfire so once it did they would “cancel it” and act like they are for the community