The Best of Video Game Performances

Publicado 2022-12-05
So I Just Finished The Last of Us Part II...
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The Best Life is Strange Game | True Colours an Analysis & Critique
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Advent Calendar 2022 Playlist
   • Advent Calendar 2022  

Reply to my tweet with YOUR favourite video game performances…

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00:00 - Intro/Rules of the Ranking
01:40 - #1
03:26 - #2
04:45 - #3
06:14 - #4
07:51 - #5
08:53 - #6
09:59 - #7
10:51 - #8
11:54 - #9
12:48 - #10
14:01 - My Honourable Mention
15:29 - YOUR Honourable Mentions
20:13 - Outro

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @jmcman6104
    9:40 I think what makes Kevin Conroy’s Batman so unique and so special is that palpable feeling that he understands the character in a way a lot of people don’t get to. He grew up in a very religious household with violent parents as a gay man, hiding his true self from his family, friends, and eventually potential employers. There’s this amazing quote from him talking about the moment he found the Batman voice: “It seemed to roar from thirty years of frustration, confusion, denial, love, yearning. Yearning for what? An anchor, a harbor, a sense of safety, a sense of identity. Yes, I can relate. Yes, this is terrain I know well. The voice of Batman rose from deep within.”
  • @mariguana7918
    Eric Steinberg’s performance as Lord Shimura is criminally underrated imo.
  • @LazerzZ
    THIS IS NOT A RANKING!! Pinning this comment because people seem to be missing the bit where I explicitly stated it (0:30). This is a collection of 10 diverse performances that I really love. I also take time to go over submissions from my viewers too. The list is not in order of worst to best or vice versa, nor it is a critical look at the top 10, it's just 10 I really love. It's also not about character writing either, purely about performances from the actors, so those arguing about writing are doing so for no reason.
  • @Josai3167
    So happy to see Abubakar Salim on here as Bayek. Throughout the entire story I could feel his emotions and I feel he really carried the game.
  • @dd867
    Niko Bellic in GTA 4, by far the best character ever in any GTA thanks to that performance we finally got a deep main character that was more than just "I am a criminal/gang member/mob guy" even though his serbian was bad but everything else was great lol
  • @DragonBallG69
    Shout out to Wei Shen from Sleeping Dogs, Max Payne, and (quality of the game aside) Lincoln and Donovan from Mafia 3 are frankly both personal favorites of mine.
  • Micheal Beattie as Mordin Solus in the mass effect serious to me is perfect along with Steven Barr as Wrex. Both incredible characters that the voice actors bring to life.
  • @Kyle-su2wq
    BALDUR LOVE YOUR ARE GOAT BRO. His performance is so overlooked in that game
  • @-Scrapper-
    The top comment being about how abby is not a complex character and how authur is better when this is list is about performances and he explicitly said it wasn't in order:
  • @weedking3041
    Been subscribed to your channel for 5-6 years now and all I got to say is a big thank you m8 for staying true and making this kind of masterclass content. I remember times when YouTube didn’t recommend you and I’d search for new videos cause I could feel something was missing. You literally the most underrated dude I know. Just wanted to leave that here so you know your content is freaking awesome
  • @reecenotryhs
    YESSS starting the list off with a banger, letsGOOOOOOO
  • @thatkiddanny
    Whoever played Baldur did an absolutely amazing job. You can feel the emotion. It feels so real.
  • @bekleedee
    Roger Clark better be on here 🤣 edit. Just got to Arthur. Excellent 👌 I'm of the belief that had RDR2 been a movie, it would have won all the Oscars. The acting is done so well by the whole cast. I personally really like Bayek from AC Origins as well
  • @MLGcoworker
    James out here flexing on us with the orginal script of Origins
  • @kevinespada3421
    One of My favorite video games performances is Robbie Diamond as Goro Akechi for two reasons. First is his range from soft-spoken noble young man into mentally disturbed mad men. It completely feels like two different character in one. Second is how convincing he is with showing Akechi's emotion. When Akechi shows his true color towards Joker and Phantom Thievies in Shido's Palace. You can feel Akechi's hated, suffering and jealous in that cutscene. This is someone who is fully messed up and feels the world spit on his face. That raw emotion coming from Robbie Diamond as he voiced Akechi is so freaking good. It makes Akechi feel like unforgettable character by his performances. Not only that, but he was amazing in the third semester. His over the top delivery is gold.
  • @tandy9631
    Loving the advent calendar, great video as always
  • @loganfisher3431
    My honorable mentions: The ENTIRE Mass Effect trilogy main cast Aaron Stanton as Detective Cole Phelps (LA Noire) - "Courtney Sheldon was a corpsman, Roy. He served his country! He went out with a medical kit and an Army 45 and into places that made the Valley of Death look like a picnic. He was either naive enough or dumb enough to get involved in the Suburban Development Fund along with the mayor, the DA, Monroe, and a certain crooked cop. He was involved in the morphine heist, but he has a puncture wound in his jugular, which makes this a murder case. He was a better man than you'll ever know. You say one more word about him and I will blow your fucking head off!" Just an amazing performance.
  • He didn’t say a single word throughout the whole thing, but the guy who played Miles Upshur in Outlast gave one of the most visceral vocal performances I’ve ever heard in any game. I felt every bit of the pain he was going through, he was amazing.