Why is Movement my Medicine ?

Published 2023-03-28
I don’t know who coined the term movement is medicine, but it resonates for me. My early experiences with exercise were not joyful; grade school physical education was bad medicine. But once I started dancing with friends in high school – before carding and ID checks were mandatory – I experienced movement in a positive way. Shortly after college I started a yoga practice which was medicine for my body and mind.
In this podcast episode I tell my story of what led up to the 2021 launch of the May Movement Challenge — a month of free online movement classes that are meant to be accessible and adaptive for anyone and everyone.
You’ll also hear from Natalie Graniela – one of the several movement instructors participating in the annual May Movement Challenge. Natalie talks about her gyrokinesis movement practice and working with seniors as well as people with different bodies and abilities.

Full podcast episode: glasshalffull.online/why-is-movement-my-medicine/

Visit the website: maymovementchallenge.com/

Register for the May Movement Challenge: us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvd-yhrDsrGNB8R…

#adaptive #accessible #movementismedicine #gyrokinesis

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