True Facts: Trap Jaw Ants

Publicado 2021-04-14
True Facts Poster!

Thank you to Dr. Adrian Smith! Most of the footage in this video is from Dr. Smith's YouTube channel. He has all sorts of wonderful content there, and does a much more thorough job in explaining all of the science behind his work.

Thank you to Dr. Alex Wild! Please look at Dr. Wild's incredible collection of photos:

Thank you Dr. Fred Larabee, Josh C. Gibson and DR. Eduardo Fox for their amazing footage.


Booher DB, Gibson JC, Liu C, Longino JT, Fisher BL, Janda M, et al. 2021. Functional innovation promotes diversification of form in the evolution of an ultrafast trap-jaw mechanism in ants. PLoS Biol 19(3): e3001031.

FOX, E.G.P., SMITH, A.A., GIBSON, J.C. & SOLIS, D.R. 2017: Larvae of trap-jaw ants, Odontomachus LATREILLE, 1804 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): morphology and biological notes. – Myrmecological News 25: 17-28.

Larabee, Fredrick J. and Suarez, Andrew V. 2014. "The evolution and functional morphology of trap-jaw ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." Myrmecological News 20: 25– 36.

Larabee FJ, Suarez AV 2015. Mandible-Powered Escape Jumps in Trap-Jaw Ants Increase Survival Rates during Predator-Prey Encounters. PLOS ONE 10(5): e0124871.

Larabee, Fredrick J., Smith, Adrian A. and Suarez, Andrew V. 2018. Snap-jaw morphology is specialized for high-speed power amplification in the Dracula ant, Mystrium camillae R. Soc. Open Sci 5: 181447

Smith, A.A. 2019. Prey specialization and chemical mimicry between Formica archboldi and Odontomachus ants. Insect. Soc. 66, 211–222.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @joeblack4436
    "Scary stuff. Like being in kindergarten, and having a biter in the ball-pit" That's so scary and funny at the same time. And, never was an antlion likened so aptly.
  • "Imagine a Wheel of Fortune where the word 'scumbag', is being displayed, but people still have to guess the 's'". Congratulations Zefrank, you outdone yourself
  • @gielxhedrick88
    "she looks like shes overdoing it a bit but who knows, termite might be talking sh*t" i already love this channel
  • @jellysquid8077
    I love how Jerry started as an offhand joke in one of his videos, and now he's a recurring character
  • @derpycows671
    “Oh, you were bleeping what they were thinking.” That.... was very clever, Jerry.
  • Not gonna lie. When Mildred turned herself around in the death pit and bit her predator in the face to escape it was pretty badass.
  • @lmerry1
    God: “Adam, you get one wish.” Adam: “Ants stay small.” God: “Done.”
  • The way Mildred spun as she flew out of the ant lion pit was definitely the funniest part for me.
  • @xKenis
    “The bleep button is a privilege, amateur.”
  • @deadlyraver4454
    "Play this in a sex-ed class without telling anyone what it is." For the record, That line caused me to subscribe.
  • @scottdoering1386
    Telling Jerry to show us what he designed after talking about a "recalled sex toy" sounded like we were going to get a very different demonstration.
  • @carmium
    My late Grandma grew up in Guatemala, and told us that the "Indios," as they were commonly known, the native people, would use ants similar to these when suffering a cut that we would see as needing stitches. An ant was held over the cut until its jaws were triggered, closing the wound. The body was quickly twisted off and the head would remain attached as a sort of formic suture. A line of these would stitch up the gash and they were good to go!
  • @bluevervain8317
    “Sticky doorknob” sounds like one of those slang terms you’d look up on Urban Dictionary and immediately regret it.
  • @lidesor
    "Butt ants... Sorry, but ants..." This is a joke he uses in so many videos, and yet it ALWAYS gets me.
  • @stanleywang4782
    If you've ever wondered what a love child of Sir David Attenborough and Robin Williams would sound like, well now you know
  • 8:38 A bit of a correction: there he's likely referring to the Asian Pericapritermes nitobei termites (who became relatively notorious a while ago for dethroning Mystrium in blow speed), however they don't do the "basically the same thing" at all but employ a very different technique than the one used by Mystrium: the asymmetrical snapping, totally unique to termites. This advanced technique involve highly assimmetrical and very weirdly shaped mandibles (along with a big head full of muscles) and work on a different principle tha the symmetrical snap used by Mystrium (and several termite species aswell), allowing their blows to reach velocities unmatchable by symmetrical snappers (or any other snapping ants). P. nitobei soldiers snaps at up to 121 meters per seconds, well above the 90 meters per second reached by Mystrium, but they're still not the fastest known animal movement in the world: that trophy is currently held by another much larger asymmetrical snapping termite: Neocapritermes taracua from South America. This very interesting species (beside being known for the kamikaze toxic "backpacks" their older workers are equipped with) have soldiers than can snap at a whopping 153 meters per second (as very recently registered by termitologist Jan Sobotnik and his team), which neatly beat P. nitobei's (and shatters Mystrium's) "scores". Said so, though there are a lot of termite species that employ the asymmetrical snapping technique, only these these two had their snap speed measured, so the real "fastest blow in the animal Kingdom" is likely still hiding among them, unknown to us due to a lack of research on termites.
  • @LadyCoyKoi
    Him: “Play this in Sex Ed class without telling them what it is and just say always wear a condom.” Every substitute teacher ever: WRITE THAT DOWN!
  • @mateusramosbon63
    True fact: humans heart rate rises and pupils dilate when they see a zefrank video notification
  • @BrassMaster117
    You teach in a way that my ADD and ADHD can handle. The quick quips and jests give my brain just a momentary release from any monotony that it's perceiving and grab my attention right back with cool, well explained (and enjoyable) explanations. It's probably not even a thought or a basis for making the channel but you may be one of the best teachers I have ever had about these subjects. Not getting overly mushy but, thank you and please keep these coming!
  • @machos
    "Butt Ants like Mildred!" "Sorry" "But Ants like Mildred" 😂🤣😂🤣