Lovin' Spoonful - Daydream

Lovin' Spoonful - Daydream

コメント (21)
  • @MrCretemaniam
    Just sent this to my one and only of 45 years. We are in old bodies but our love stays young.
  • @kylehine1
    I feel like this has been playing subconsciously somewhere in my head for 20 years
  • Walking though a field of wheat in the midlands, UK in the mid 60’s when I was 14 years old and seeing ‘lovin’ spoonful’ sprayed on a concrete wall - suddenly ‘what a day for a daydream’ came over my transistor radio - it was so ‘far out’ - I loved this band at that time, especially, summer in the city’- what a time, what a place. Aquarius. Hope we see something like it again. Love, JaneR
  • They were definitely 1 of the 10 best rock bands from the incomparable 1960s, their songs are ageless and forever listenable.
  • All those who fought in the Vietnam War... they used to sing this song together. Just to make them feel a bit better & wishing they could return home. Bless them ALL! 😥
  • A really laid-back kid started whistling this during class in high school. Everyone cracked up because it was PERFECT for him.
  • @OhSnap-kb9vr
    1966 (I think it was '65 but Ill roll with '66): 4 years old. This is my first song. Seriously. My first 'oh! I like this song, turn it up' where Id be listening to the radio in my Mom's car and trying to sing along. That Summer it was over-played, and I heard it a few times each day. What was Rock and Roll then could be labeled something else today, just like my '70s Heavy Metal is now Classic Rock and Heavy Metal has a whole 'nother meaning.
  • We got tear-gassed in Orlando back in the day at Lovin Spoonful concert. Lol Those darn hippies with their rock n roll! Such beautiful tame music . We ran to cars John was helping people up onto stage and out the back doors. People were being stampeded as they ran for exit. It’s another one of those memories ! My dad read about it in the paper next day and said see that rock n roll is nothing but problems ,sis and I looked at each other with a grin as we were there but not allowed concerts.
  • I'm 68 Been listening to the Spoonful for along time and the songs never get old , what a musical time we lived through.So glad i was at the right place at the right time:)
  • I'm only 15 and this song already brings back feeling of nostalgia, just a phenomenal song. I'm tearing up. I remember this is one of the first songs I learned to play and sing on guitar. The Lovin' Spoonful are one of my all time favorite bands, #1. This band deserves so much recognition than it has.
  • This song transports me back to the mid sixties. What a magical era it was. If I could have one wish, it would be to go back there permanently.
  • 1965 remember it SO WELL What a silly old fool I am
  • There were many great bands in the sixties, and the Lovin Spoonful was up there with the best.
  • this is my favorite song by this band, sophomore in High school, first steady girlfriend, and in the warm spring, This Song... life was good
  • This song came out while I was in US Navy boot camp in San Digeo. We had a smuggled radio in the barracks. Kept us from going out of our rabid azz minds-some of us, anyway!
  • The song is awesome, but more than that, the SOUND is so clear. It’s like my own personal concert !
  • Kyle this and Groovin by The Young Rascals have been going around in my head for 50 years. Summers of '65 & '67. Great times.
  • @MarkJusty777
    Came out 5 or 6 years before I was born but my dad always loved this song! RIP