Walk more normally with Parkinson's - 4 simple ways

Published 2017-09-10
The most progressive ideas on how to live with Parkinson's comes from people with Parkinson's. Watch how I deal with my gait problems and see how you too can walk more normally.

Keep learning at PDontheMove.com/

All Comments (21)
  • Alexander! Thanks for your video. I think i might have part of the answer: it has to do something with your mind that is distracted by the ball and does not botters with your right arm and hand. I have got the something similar with talking: when i talk i just to have problem like searching for words. Some proffesional told me that I have a problem in my mind and that i can never solve the problem. But last, i visited friends and while talking i was pedding the dog. And then my husband realize i was not having problems at all. We tried different variaties, like pedding a doll and holding his hands when talking. Pedding the dog was by far the best. I think my mind was to bussy pedding the dog so it could not botter my speach 😂
  • @helenfernee9283
    My husband (76) has great results with Nordic poles when walking. Immediately he stands straight and his gait becomes normal. Hx
  • @ravi0326
    Brilliant. This is a very good discovery. Thanks a lot for sharing.
  • " The most progressive ideas on how to live with Parkinson's comes from people with Parkinson's " , this simple and obvious statement should always be remembered ! Make it your mantra ! Thanks a lot for sharing your "exercises" , really a lot!
  • @Jennifr1966
    My husband can't walk that quickly anymore. He went from fast walking daily 5 miles a day to barely able to move without a lot of help. People if you're at the beginning, practice this via ideas, so you can walk as long as possible!
  • @gdavidjohnson
    Thank you so much fr this video. I watched this 5 years ago and it helped a lot. More recently, I have been afraid to go for walks because my right leg would get heavy and I would have to shuffle to get home. Shuffling resulted in hip pain and other problems so I quit walking. Then I came across this video in my notes, It still works! I am now confident to walk around the neighborhood. My guess is that focusing on the ball shuts down the "money brain". Could also have to do wwith intense focus on catching the ball (very mild stress). However it works, it works. I cannot thank you enough. I hope you are doing ok and still have your positive attitude and sense of humor. You mad a difference in my life and no doubt countless others,
  • @steveh1460
    Awesome video. I have noticed the same things in exercise. The tennis ball is something I am looking forward to trying. Thank you 🙏
  • @Amira12895
    I do no more want to see people sad and unable to move with parkinson, thanks for motivating us to look forward
  • @holtzschue
    Very cool discovery.....Thanks for sharing.......I don't shake, I just freeze.......I've noticed when I used to be able to play basketball, pretty much by myself, I would get into a rhythm with the ball, and use the balls energy so to speak, and everything just fell into place.......Kind of reminds me of that movie "Awakenings" where Robin Williams worked in a Healthcare Facility that took care of a group of people that just "froze" and Robbin woke them up......anyway in one of the scenes Robbin throws a ball at a woman, sitting "frozen" in a wheel chair,, and the woman used the energy of the moving ball to reach out and catch the ball........Now what that means, I don't know....all I know is that the same concept helps me also......I've been struggling with this most of my life......and there's something to it.....
  • Thank you so much for your videos. You are so inspiring!!! knowing that you have PD makes us know you understand!!!! Love it!!!
  • @alashea2974
    Alexander, I really appreciate your humor. It helps to keep a positive attitude when you are grappling with PD.
  • @HotchStuff
    Thank you so much for all your videos! My brother was just diagnosed with PD
  • Thank you. Great information. Look forward to more suggestions.
  • @kirubkaran3932
    Thank you so much that you have given me a confidence that works outs only redeem from the Parkinson's,
  • @FlaschDJ
    I like the end of your video where you talk wisely about the importance of Strength. PD or not, the sick and elderly must focus of strength. Excellent advice. Thank you
  • @victors2333
    ¡Gracias, Alexander, por los excelentes videos!
  • Thank you. Keep uncovering your brain's potential with every step you take.