Benzo withdrawal, ER day, NOT good, holding dose 3/6/2024


コメント (21)
  • The only thing I can say is after about 6 months I was free from the agony of benzos. I will be forever more.
  • I'm on 1mg of diazapam, after taking it for 12 long years, I was prescribed 10mg and 16 months later I'm down to 1mg, next and final taper April 15th!!! It's been a mind game, and very challenging but I'm hopeful for the future. Sending you love ❤❤❤❤❤
  • @My3Pugs
    Praying for you Patrick 😢….. I am also tapering off of diazepam. It is awful …. take care and feel better soon !
  • Bless you brother! You will heal. When symptoms get bad, put your head-neck under some cold running water, this help calm down your nervous system.
  • 38 years on. One week later doc discontinued because of a rumor. You will be SO glad to be free you wont know what to do...
  • Taper, cruise, taper, cruise, taper cruise. Who cares if it takes 6 months+ to get off. Benzo withdrawal is by far the worst and scariest. Doctor doesn’t know best, you know best so go slow.
  • Thank you for making this video man. I also have been tapering off several meds for the past 2 years. Things do get better. It might feel like there is no end at times but it does come. Keep focusing on those small windows of healing and trust your body. It is working to recover.
  • @Dza231
    I was on 4 mg of Xanax a day for 6 months daily use and I completely healed in 10 months. I worked my ass off in recovery. So keep the faith buddy. I have no symptoms anymore, I can drink coffee, alcohol , and I’m graduating college in may. I hope this message gives you and others hope.
  • @RF1972.
    Oh honey keep moving forward... Lord give you divine strength ❤
  • Was on 30 mg Valium for 20 years. I took a little over a year to taper off. I was lucky, minimal side effects.
  • I somehow found one of your videos where you talked about SVT and Benzos. I know you ended up not having SVT. I did have SVT since I was a child and eventually it got so bad I started taking Benzos in my 20s for anxiety from it. So then I had two problems. SVT was corrected in 2000. Lorazepam was another story. I did finally get off Lorazepam in 2012 at age 45 years old. I wish you nothing but the best. You will make it through this. In 5 years you'll look back and say I conquered Benzos. And you'll still have your whole life ahead of you!
  • They SAY to move and push thru. NOOOOOOO. Not when it's this severe!!! U stay in bed and move ur hands and arms and legs u don't stand up without a walker. You pound water. I'll order u a special water bottle I'm poor but the water bottle turned my dehydration and malnourishment into just plain being okay. I have a list of tinctures and supplements. Patrick can we speak? I know a Dr who will take u off ur meds with liquid so you hold if u need and u don't go fast she has u listen to ur own body ill explain it if we can talk but I care and your young Im 32 ran into a Dirty Dr I trusted and now I'm terrified after finding out my dose is super high and pharmacies are saying he's blacklisted whatever that means so I can't get my meds!
  • @dragonfly1126
    These symptoms can be terrifying. Glad you went to ER, we need to do that when things get so out of control, better to be safe. I agree with the doc, dont cut, just forget about it until you notice improvement, even if it takes a year. Your already are completely acute, don't push it. When things are so hard, I start small. I might be just making the bed, even if its hard. Work on one small accomplishment each day. It will help you feel like you are still engaging in life, even with difficulty, and that helps us feel we have some agency. Tapering is not a race. The point of it is to get stable. Your body wants to heal, and it is, it just can be so very slow, and excruciating. But, it is going to learn how to function without the meds, the element is time. No idea how much, we are all unique. Very impressed that you are allowing yourself to go through so much suffering, keep posting, be patient. Your never alone in this batttle for your health.
  • @src3360
    Try ensure shakes or protein shakes. Quick and easy nutrition ❤❤❤
  • @newseamus
    Been tapering off Xanax for about 3 months now. Down to .5 per night. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hang in there man, it eventually gets better. No matter how long it takes you will see the light as well!
  • I don’t know you I just saw this video and I am praying for you I’m watching these videos because I have to get off of a medication called mirtazapine it’s not a benzo But I heard it’s very difficult so I’m tapering but I’m also watching these videos because my father is 86 years old and he slowly tapered over 2 to 3 years and he is suffering like never before and my heart is broken because he was taking a benzodiazepine for 40 years plus and now at this age I can’t tell you how difficult it is to see him suffer so much. I’m glad he’s able to get dressed I’ve seen them eat but other than that he just sits there lies around. I am praying for you though my heart goes out to you keep going
  • I holded. I updosed. Still holding. But I am in tolerance. It isnt helping. Hope you get better