Trump rally shooting | Why the shot Secret Service countersniper took was a difficult one

Published 2024-07-16
A certified countersniper explains how any wrong movement made by the Secret Service countersniper could have changed the outcome.

All Comments (6)
  • I can't believe ppl were shouting & pointing at this man almost 2 minutes before the shooting & Crow still got off 8 shots. The local police saw him, took a pic, & retreated. Why didn't they have a radio channel for emergencies? The lady in charge of Special Services said she isn't stepping down. A mess!
  • Secret Service director hired people based on the color of their skin, their sexual preferences and women with with hardly any qualifications rather than ppl with actual qualificationsđŸ€ĄđŸŒ
  • @marknasia5293
    douglas county
 the counter sniper had a tripod.. AND aren’t there any fitness subscriptions in HOTLANTA?
  • @kathyl3889
    Reporter needs to step up some sizes in her clothes 🙄 So unprofessional đŸ€ą