This is Why The Ethiopian Bible Got Banned

Published 2024-03-19
The Ethiopian Bible is one of the most mysterious and controversial books that ever existed. Even the country itself is shrouded in mysteries that can’t be explained but that’s a story for another day. Ethiopia is home to one of the oldest civilizations in the world and is the only country in Africa that was not colonized, and because of that, they can trace their lineage all the way back to Ham, one of the sons of Noah.

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All Comments (21)
  • As Ethiopian and also as a deacon of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, I would like to inform you that our bible has 81 books not 88. And Christianity came to our society not in the 4th century but around 34 A.D when the eunuch of candace of the Ethiopians came back to Ethiopia. Acts chapter 8
  • Ethiopia was never colonized, that is why it has been able to keep its original manuscripts.
  • I have always found people from Ethiopia very different, like when I see their face I see a very positive and kind vibe and I never understood why I felt that they are different now I know. Great video.
  • The more I am awakened, the more I realize that we have been lied to pretty much about everything. I’m more interested now more than ever in reading the books that were left out of today’s Bible. I believe we’re soon going to be enlightened of all the lies and misconceptions. Times like these cause us to draw closer to our Heavenly Father and ask for discernment and to help us know truth from lies.
  • @chrisper7527
    So, if Ethiopians, black Africans, can trace back to Noah, then wouldn’t that make Noah and all the other Bible characters BLACK?🤔
  • @eotckenya9814
    I am a Kenyan convert to Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (EOTC) from the anglican church and I always find it funny when caucasians try to discredit the authenticity of African heritage. This whole video is aade up fiction story just like the narrator is alluding to the EOTC Bible. I will point out the inaccuracies; 1. Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Church has never been run by the king or emperor. The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church has been under the pope of Coptic Church (Egyptian) from 334AD years since until 1959 when EOTC got her own Abuna (pope). 2. EOTC has been in existence since 34AD when the Ethiopian Eunuch (state treasurer) was converted from Judaism to Christianity (Acts 8:26) 3. EOTC bible is the only complete bible. Other churches have changed with time and with that gotten rid of many doctrines and teachings in the bible. For example: A. Martin Luther King the reformist misled so many Christians into Protestanism (PROTESTING against the Catholic church) B. King Henry VII formed the Anglican Church coz the pope of the Catholic Church refused to marry him with his side chick when he divorced his wife. C. As recent as 2022, the anglican church and the pope of the catholic church announced the God has no gender and gayism is allowed respectively in total disregard of biblical teachings. 4. EOTC and the Coptic Church both original African churches and older than any church in Europe by centuries belong to Oriental church Orthodox so saying that the anglican church or catholic church has banned books from EOTC is akin to a child banning his /her parents from entering their own house. 5. Scholars fro Europe have been known to go to Ethiopia to get copies of books lost by European churches during wars and conflicts. Notable among them are E.A. Wallis Budge and R.H Charles. 6. Ethiopians are recorded in the bible from Genesis upto Acts. Moses himself married an Ethiopian woman while in Egypt leading to conflict with his siblings but God rebuked Aaron and Miriam (Number 12) 7. The catholic church abd anglican church only spread as a tool for brainwashing, colonialism and slavery but not to spread Christianity. No wonder the church in Europe is dying and the churches are empty. 8. There are 2 main reasons why EOTC is mysterious outside Ethiopia.. A. Ethiopia is the only country that has a unique national language not spoken outside her borders- Amharic. B. EOTC bravely stood against external attacks winning time and again against: Assyrians, Ottomans (Turkey), Persia (Iran), Somalia. Most of these attacks were muslim crusades of which Ethiopians successfully resisted for 2 millenia. As a result Ethiopia is surrounded from north to south, east to west by Muslims cutting links to other Christians in the world.
  • @alicia2931
    My grandfather was an Ethiopia orthodox Christian who lived in Jamaica. He visited Ethiopia a few times. I been to the Ethiopian church that’s in Jamaica and I can’t wait to visit Ethiopia soon
  • @elverdavin365
    This mean that Ethiopian Tewahedo Orthodox Church are older than Roman Catholic.😮😮
  • @whatsupdoc84
    15 years ago (to the week) I met my Habesha husband which has blessed me with a new life long journey to learning more and growing closer to Christ. There is nothing more amazing than being with the people who have known and worshiped the living God Jesus Christ since day one. Ethiopian people are so inherently close to God and every day I am more amazed by the level of faith and love that is reached so simply just in the way they live their daily lives, and care for others. I asked God to bring me closer to Him, I asked for a family to belong to and a direction to go ….and then he gave me this life I never dreamed I would be blessed with. Thank you Jesus. It’s funny that so much of the world thinks that Christianity is “the white mans religion” and that Africans only worship Jesus because they were forced to convert.
  • @pedjastojic3072
    I am Serbian orthodox and we love our Ethiopian brothers and sisters. Fun Fact Bob Marley also converted to orthodox Ethiopian .
  • @I-am-afan
    Hence, the reason why ' they tried to' invaded Ethiopia, to burn and destroy the original books
  • @024Nimma
    As a white guy from The Netherlands I've always been fascinated by Ethiopia for some reason. Being able to defend themselves against Italy (or other colonial countries here in the West), the Muslims, the beautiful churches and history. This video is very enlightening and makes me really think. I'm leaning towards Eastern or Oriental Orthodoxy but the Ethiopian Orthodox Church is amazing, so are the Ethiopian people. I pray for the safety for the Ethiopians because of this war that's going on, it's awful to see. God bless you Ethiopia and the Ethiopian people & hopefully one day I will be able to visit your beautiful country when it's safe ☦
  • @mekutube6946
    As an Ethiopian, I would like to inform you that our bible has 81 books not 88.
  • @hopefree7558
    Only one God, my God opened all your heart. So lucky to be an Ethiopian Orthodox. God bless you all 🙏🙏🙏
  • @AMary-ih9ue
    I have experienced the Ethiopia Orthodox Church for a while not in complete depth. I recalled on Sundays morning starting of the mass I felt the Church spiraling to Ethiopia to the top of a mountain , I felt it many Sundays. To me the teachings is real ,there is holy roots in the Ethiopia Orthodox Church. Who have eyes to see will see ,and who have ears will hear . The truth will reveal itself by the Holy Spirit .
  • @Initdoh
    Many Rastafarians 🇯🇲 have been teaching Ethiopian History, religion, truth for decades. Ethiopian needs to get a grip on Civil War. Find a way for peace with the various tribes of Ethiopia.
  • @user-ov4pw5es7n
    for people who might not know we are one of the eariest oriental orthodox christians ,the earliest bible, the origin of humanity, never colonized and the only country to defeat european force(italy),one of the oldest civilization , solomonic dynasty , have our own language and number (geez)and many but our current situation makes me feel bad may GOD help us
  • @Imhalfamazing2U
    Is this audio a "text to speach" software? It sounded authentic, but there were a few really strange pronunciations.