Mutiny was most serious challenge to Putin’s rule | DW News

Published 2024-06-23
It has been a year since Yevgeny Prigozhin led the Wagner Group of mercenaries in an uprising against the Kremlin.

Angered by a lack of ammunition in the war against Ukraine, his Wagner Group forces marched unopposed into Rostov in southern Russia on 23 June last year. From there they set their sights on Moscow.

Prigozhin called off the coup within hours, but it was the most serious challenge to Russian President Vladimir Putin's rule since he came to power in 1999. Exactly two months later, a plane carrying Prigozhin and his top aides crashed, killing everyone on board. The Kremlin denied any involvement. Russia has rejected an international investigation into the crash of Prigozhin's private plane over its territory.

00:00 One year since Wagner mutiny challenged Putin
02:32 Sean McFate, Military Strategist
05:29 Kirill Shamiev, Political Scientist

#wagnergroup #russiaukrainewar #yevgenyprigozhin


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All Comments (21)
  • Never board a plane in Russia if you're on Putin's 💩list. Or stand by a 6th story window, walk across a bridge, trust your underwear and, um, what am I missing here?
  • @caty863
    So, people who are anti-war were cheering Prigozhin while he was the guy advocating for a more intensive and brutal war strategy? If that's what being a "political scientist" entails, then please hire me.
  • @moshenefm
    Prigozhin was humbled quick ASF 😂 If you pretend to be a gangster then meet a real one 😂
  • @Shivadhyanam
    Don't be surprised if the EU makes this day a European holiday...
  • @royjudson4380
    Only 1 of them Generals in the clip did not Salute Mr P while shaking his hand.
  • @kayskreed
    He either shouldn't have challenged Putin, or followed through with what he started. Pulling out half way thinking Putin and him were "cool" was his undoing. That and boarding a Russian plane, about as safe as a Boeing. 😅
  • @xyzzy832
    He forgot what Machiavelli said about mercenaries 💀
  • @sasajelisavac
    OH look,Germans are remembering Prigozin... (;-)....
  • He was the "voice of the voiceless"😅 His supporters were all pro-war and not anti-Putin. They were appreciating his contribution to the war in Ukraine. They did not support the mitiny.
  • EU still acting, silent, deaf and blind about Julian Assange. 😊
  • Remember, the people of Rostov cheered Wagner troops and went on to jeer at the returning police forces.
  • @jayyoo906
    Purigozine move was not the mutiny but an expression of dissatisfaction with then, MOD.
  • @deecee1522
  • Indian companies also probed for 70 hours work shift 😴 😫 😪 by swiss govt
  • Any one ever think if Prigozhin still alive and live quite under a deal with evil putin ? Distraction point !