two times

Published 2022-06-21

All Comments (21)
  • @Deluxe2004
    This gives me vibes of "everything is fine" showing us how the things that have been shown to us until now aren't what they are supposed to, and finally we're going to see the real face of everything!! So amazing A beautiful way of embracing your own style and becoming it something unexpected but at the same time as is supposed to be like that always
  • @pancake577
    what i got from this was that “famous” crumb spends all day wondering about “hidden” crumb and faces her fears to confront her. but she sees her as a broken mass like a monster. great animation crumb! also I hope the brain spaghetti was a reference to amnesia was her name animation :3
  • @hi-i-am-atan
    a small little detail that i just noticed: the first flash of shadow crumb at 0:25 is very distinct from the second, with lighting and most notably outline color distinct from the rest of the animation and her typical color scheme ... except for the moment at 0:15 where she's staring down cat crumb in a very unsubtly menacing way which stands out to me, because if it's just meant to be some spooky lighting effect, it would make sense to use it for both flashes instead of just having it appear for literally one frame, right? but both the prior animation that debuted shadow crumb and the one centered around her also make use of the imagery of a human crumb confronting herself p. directly. in i hate you, it's just box crumb crying before some unidentifiable crumb before she tears the photo of cat crumb ( and, consequently, her whole head ) down the middle, but in amnesia - y'know, the animation prominently featuring shadow crumb not just staring menacingly and, in fact, actually expressing a p. human set of emotions - it's shadow crumb pointing a gun at another shadow crumb, one of them getting shot, then buried alive and unburied alive and uh yeah, facing a duplicate of yourself is a rich piece of imagery with a multitude of possible meanings and layers, but ... i think all that might be as literal as a metaphor can get. there's two shadow crumbs, and i imagine the reason why is this sorta treachery of avatars thing; she was meant to be the crumb closest to the real crumb after retiring box crumb from that role ( i mean, i hate you is basically just box crumb being violently retired with shadow crumb emerging from her corpse, ending with the whole MY BLOOD IS RED BECAUSE I'M REAL thing ) and she is, but ... she's also exaggeratedly creepy ( again, MY BLOOD IS RED BECAUSE I'M REAL ). not to mention crumb clearly still has a lot of affection for her other representations of her, so while i don't doubt the whole of i hate you is a very real expression of stuff she has felt about her creations, it's also just ... way too exaggerated and antagonistic to really represent her more complicated thoughts on the matter? so she created a new character to act as her new avatar and killed off her old one to introduce her, and it was done in this very visceral and unsettling way with a very visceral and unsettling design for reasons that might be kinda complicated and personal but also might literally just be because she wanted to do something kinda creepy to fit the song. okay, cool ... except now, that new charavatar is also not the best representation of her because she goes too far in the other direction on several levels. but she's also the most human in her design, with the only real way to get more human is to just ... show her face and become what's flat-out a cartoon version of crumb herself ( and hey, that design does actually show up here and in i hate you! ... she's just kinda, uh, elusive and camera-shy ). so there's kinda a rock hard place situation going on, where shadow crumb is the closest to crumb but also is her own character that's this horror entity haunting the other crumbs. kinda like the inverse of cat crumb, who is very much her own character but sometimes steps in to act as crumb's avatar at times so, yeah. i think shadow crumb is meant to be the crumbliest crumb, but she's also some darker side of crumb who is actually tormenting the other crumbs in these animations out of distaste for them. and, i mean, all crumbs are crumb, but some crumbs are more crumb than others, and i'm thinking shadow crumb is more crumb than shadow crumb i would just like to punctuate this by noting that i typed "crump" several times throughout writing all of this and each time i didn't notice until like half a minute later, and yet somehow during that crumbtrastrophe of a closing thought i managed to keep her name straight throughout the entirety. truly crumbtastic
  • one of my favorite things about crumb's art is that it can be such a good combo of cute + horror. a lot of times cute things are not taken seriously. it's so cool to see darker themes being portrayed within a cute style.
  • @EMJ4Y
    AAAA CRUMB THIS TURNED OUT SOSO WELL!!! you've literally improved so much in art, animation, and storytelling!! everything is smooth as hell and i didn't want to look away for a second, the transitions between scenes are exceptional!! comparing this to the old one it's clear how far you've come, and it's also so clever how many subtle differences there are in the story and how it's told (like crumb being alone at the table, slinking further into bed instead of getting up, not dancing as enthusiastically as the first vid) AMAZING work!! ✨💖
  • @stymecoulli
    CRUMB THAT WAS LITERALLY SO GOOD!!! you are so so talented and your improvement is incredible. never stop doing what you do! never cease your passions!
  • @gh0_sst
    as a person who struggles with multiple identities and a lot of traumatizing incidents (especially as of current) this hits hard
  • @dear6879
    I’ve never seen someone pull off thick line-art as good as you :’]
  • @YonKaGor
    This is so good crumb !!! Your animation ideas always so good
  • @wildwolf3860
    This is chock full of symbolism. This remake really shows crumbs improvement as a storyteller and artist/animator. But I'm concerned that this is a cryptic vague vent,, Firstly, cat crumb seems unenthusiastic in this. Maybe showing how actual Crumb no longer feels enthusiastic/inspired to make the old cutesy slightly unnerving jack stauber animations like she used to. She is not seen smiling as she was in the original. She starts off being annoyed by being woken up by the sun maybe symbolizing crumbs lack of motivation for animations (which she has been very vocal about) The callback to Amnesia was her name with the spaghetti turning into brains (long term memory sauce) maybe shows how that was one of Crumbs most popular recent animations and pressures her to give the audience the best. She wants to live up to their expectations since she has changed her style of content 3 times now. (Fan animations for other creators, cutesy cat stuff and now horror stuff.) Maybe it shows her annoyance/paranoia with the YouTube channel. With the "I think that I like you" the mirror breaks when "real crumb" (?) "Human crumb" (???) Shows up. Maybe showing how Crumb has regressed into not liking herself (as was alluded to in the original two time) But this time not liking herself due to how herr channel/artwork is coming out and to how she views herself as a person beyond her hobby. When crumb shows her frustration when reading the paper and sky outside flashing white it can show how burnt out she has been feeling. The sky losing color can show her losing her love for her hobby or motivation to continue. Her running out and confronting the blankness shows how she doesn't want to put up with this depression like state anymore. She wants to confront her issues head on and is tired of being held back by them. This is further implied when it flashes with the other personas/versions of crumb looking sad/frustrated when confronting the blankness as well. It's not just her creativity that is being affected by this issue with self doubt it's all of her. Leading to self hatred and doubt outside of YouTube. The white cracks may show how the facade of being happy and creative and cool that she has been putting up in YouTube is breaking as she reaches her mental breaking point keeping it up. When human crumb looks at the camera before it fading away to the 3 main crumbs seen on YT (mascot crumb, creator crumb and the balance between them on YT) it shows how human crumb may be getting fed up with being a person and a character and not a 3 dimensional person. (Cause y'know .... Creators are people too :/) When human crumb is in the shadow of the three crumbs on YT it shows how Crumb may have been neglecting their IRL duties and identity due to YouTube. Putting their personal life on the back burner for their hobby instead. Then mascot/cat crumb is having a mental breakdown as white closes in on them which just further shows how they can't handle the burnt out anymore. When the characters look at the camera and in zooms in on their eyes to reveal another one this can be crumb showing each one is more "real." That she has layers to her and some that are being neglected or ignored at this point in her life/yt career. (Shrek onion reference hahaha) ((Mini theory that creator crumb (box) is already looking away and turns to look at the camera to symbolize her shame/insecurity as a creator and feeling like she is failing for taking time for herself and taking care of her mental health.. news flash!!! She ain't!!)) Human crumb then gets distorted maybe showing how her sense of self/identity has been greatly shifted lately (dereality) Finally, human crumb is SheIn amongst ripped blank papers. The art style here is slightly different with thinner lines and slightly more detail. This can show how Crumb desires to change their hobby and course of life. Wishing they could feel/be more real (maybe on YT but more likely off) and their hobby is destroying them and they don't feel any enjoyment from it anymore. But when crumb turns to the camera they look frightened/angry that they are showing this to their viewers (or it actually seems like they act as if they got walked in on loke as it was an accident or something idk.... Maybe showing how viewers ask for too much personal info and parasocial relationships) but the shadow comes to cover their face and part of the background showing how Crumb is keeping this part of themselves private (or maybe that they are ignoring their problems now) Whew! That was alot of typing. I lowk hope I'm wrong and it's not a vent .... But it probably is :/
  • 0:26 that grayish room gives me insane Déjà Rèvê, i don’t know why i feel like i’ve been in a place like that and it gives me the creeps. makes the overall idea/mood of the video that something is missing even more accurate. keep it up crumb! ☺️
  • i love how people are actually dissecting this barely under a minute clip (semi) thoroughly, it just shows how intricate the animation and symbolism is.
  • This came out so good!! I love the little details of crumb's "fictional" world starting to fall apart like the sky disappearing at 0:17 or the cracks starting to appear at 0:22.
  • @toto.dreamer
    My first thought was “wait didn’t i see this video before???” And my second thought was “OH MY GOD IT’S CUPTOAST” The growth?? The progression??? The art improvement?? The shift from happy cat finding a heart and drinking coffee to freaky person in the mirror (the best kind of character development). The animation is so bouncy and smooth and although there’s something unnerving about it I’m still satisfied. A satisfying unnerving, if you will.
  • @rml1064
    Crumb is the good type of OC Animator. She didn't based her videos fully on the backstory or story she wanted to tell until the had a demographic following her. And still, the story she is telling is better then like 97% of OCs stories. Well done!
  • @Shell_X3
    First second in, and I already knew something was wrong, I used to watch the original a lot, theres usually 4 crumbs, normal crumb, red, blue and yellow, but in here its only showing blue, implying there is something missing, or deteriorating. And with the spaghetti turning into a brain, going back to the amnesia video, it is most likely implying that all these old memories are starting to distort and fade away. I can't wait to see more animations from you! You've improved so much from the old one
  • @RedVelvety
    You’ve gotten so good at telling stories through animation jeez SO good
  • @sadistic_9777
    i absolutely LOVE THIS the horror mixed with adorable cat drawings is SO AESTHETICALLY PLEASING. beautiful ❤️