Forgotten Abilities In Pokemon

Publicado 2024-06-28

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Grassy pelt is actually quite good in a monotype context. You are practically guaranteed to be running a grassy surge mon in mono grass and in grassy terrain gogoat is one of your best if not your best physical tank options. Notably it has access to a reliable recovery option when ferrothorn doesn’t and horn leach boosted by terrain is also handy on a mon meant to take hits. And then there’s pokerogue which decided to let gogoat have grassy surge and grassy pelt at the same time making it go from viable alternative to ferrothorn in a grass monotype context to by far the best terrain setter
  • @sephikong8323
    Pastel Veil should have straight up given an immunity to Poison moves to the user as well, at least then the ability would have been actually useful
  • @Cats83747
    I genuinely think Galarian Rapidash is one of the most forgettable Pokemon ever. It's by far the most forgettable Galarian Pokemon, and its not even famous for being forgettable like lets say Lumineon. I choose to believe this mon is a myth, and it was only made for September 2023 35 Pokes (where it did jackshit lmao)
  • @mutedknght
    If stall were on something like a bulky flip turn/volt switch/uturn mom i could see the use there. Sableye is unfortunately not that so we'll never know
  • @traiges414
    Darmanitan really channeled his inner monke to become another monke. Sadly this monke was outclassed by the original monke and his monke cousin from Iceland
  • @BamaMophi
    Everyone makes so much fun of stall until they get skill swapped
  • @kalosianporygon
    Thanks for reminding Galarian Rapidash has a signature Ability.
  • @Wheaty03
    another ability that's totally forgotten is merciless for toxapex. it's a really good ability, causing any attack against a poisoned opponent to be a guaranteed critical hit. pairing this ability with hex and venoshock makes for a fun sweeper build. unfortunately, nobody uses the ability since toxapex is always used as a stalling regenerator user
  • @Mijzelffan
    blunder got 6-0'd by lead galarian zen darm
  • I love the thumbnail so much, the sad horse is one of my favourite memes. Also it's for the better that RNG good as gold stays in the dust
  • @TaLeng2023
    IMHO many anti-status abilities, like Water Veil, Magma Armor, etc, should have worked like Pastel Veil and apply the protection to the partymate too. While at it, have the ability reduce damage from the associated type for the party too. I bet Galarian Rapidash would have appreciated taking less damage from Poison.
  • @brent8341
    For people wondering why sableye got stall as an ability, I'm pretty sure Gamefreak was just being cautious. They were probably paranoid that the first pokemon without a weakness might be OP so they gave it a nerf ability. It's ironic that it got prankster, which is the polar opposite of stall.
  • “And Delcatty is here too,” spoken like a man who was never bullied by Last Resort Delcatty in Run N Bun
  • @dealerman5955
    Didn’t even mention Power of Alchemy, casual alert!
  • @arigangan
    Anger point is one of the most conflicting abilities. Everyone wants a +6 krook, but relying on a crit to get it is one of the dumbest things
  • @IAmGoldenBones
    This is the first time I've seen your channel, but I'm definitely coming back. By the way, from my vgc main knowledge, both wind rider and wind power actually activate more than you'd think, because icy wind and all of the genie storms are meta. For this reason, wind rider brambleghast has actually won regionals before XD. On the other hand, this only works because wind rider makes you immune, so yeah wind power is hot garbage. Great vid!
  • @jellofan1578
    This editing is good and funny, and doesn’t overstay it’s welcome. Doesn’t come across as too overwhelming, if anything, it punctuates the points you make
  • Illuminate - literally useless in battle until Scarlet/Violet Anticipation - weirdly high distribution, sounds useful in theory but players have so much information already it's not worth the opportunity cost Honey Gather - still the primary ability of Ribombee despite Honey mechanics no longer existing
  • @borismuller86
    Delcatty’s Normalize is funny. Now you can guarantee you’ll never have a super effective attack, and you’re hard-walled by Ghosts. What if they also gave it Scrappy? Now it’s a guessing game!