we opened rock cover and found treasure more than 800 years old

Deep within this enormous mountain range , we found ruins using Google Earth, and this is what sparked our curiosity to explore the hidden and secrets of this region.

After few hours, only this mountain separated us from the place.
After we arrive at the place, we will explore the area using a metal detector.

After exploring for a few hours, we found a group of accessories that tell the history of a civilization that mastered handicrafts and blacksmithing.

   We have finished exploring the surface of the Earth. Now we will scan the Earth with a three-dimensional radar device to find out what the depths of this blessed Earth hide for us.

Now we will follow the device where it will lead us

It seems we have found a target.
After scanning with 3D technology, we found a void with a precious metal inside it.

This is a rock turtle with a hole in its head, it is a sign that there is treasure directly underneath

We will start digging, stay with us and enjoy.

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コメント (21)
  • The pottery alone has big historic value and could been first of its kind or something along the line. Never in my life have i seen or heard of anyone go to work on fragile what could of been 5 thousand year old pottery with a pick ax then to rip top off to see whats inside unless you already know the game . My gosh and here i believed this to be legit and gave benefit of doubt. Sucker born every second. Got me on this one
  • Everyone can see this is all set up,, but i watched the whole thing so it must be entertaining. Thank you
  • @JesseCase
    Come on guys! I have a very hard time buying this. It all just seems a little too convenient to me. There are a few things that just stand out as not seeming quite right. There are red flags all throughout the video that point to it being staged. Such as taking no care to examine the rock for inscriptions, not following any kind of normal archeological process, the cover rock looks like poured concrete, the "gold" items having green corrosion on some of them, knowing exactly how to immediately open the little tin full of gems, along with several other things. Plus at no time during the video did anyone show even the slightest bit of excitement. If this were real everyone would have been absolutely freaking out at such a find. It was somewhat entertaining I guess, but I'm absolutely not buying that it was real for a second! With a little more work, effort, and attention to detail you guys could have a fairly convincing video. You aren't far away from it, but you still need some fine tuning to make it fully convincing and actually seem real. Just keep at it and you will be conning and scaming people in no time! 👍
  • I've seen people get more excited finding a single 1960 silver dime. All those treasures and not a word? lol
  • @Lee-gw7sl
    I liked the sealed containers with filthy dirty jewelry! Great job packing the dirt around the rock and having a tractor handy!
  • @RexSkittles
    Some of those metal finds weren’t done with “blacksmithing”. They were cast metal. They didn’t do casting in ancient civilizations. Also, you’d think it would be a protected site and documented. Isn’t it illegal to just go out digging up historical sites? Most countries it is, even third world countries. Where can we find the research papers written on this site and your finds? I’m 70/30 calling bullshit on this video.
  • I would say almost none of that stuff is considered precious. What it looks like is that brass stuff that comes out of India. I swear I have that exact brass owl on my shelf! I might be completely wrong because the stuff you found with the metal detector looks authentic and clearly different than what was in the pots. Maybe Goodwill will take it off your hands.
  • @vh3531
    So how much stuff do you guys stash in order to "discover" later as treasure?
  • I'm curious the video starts with a satellite view and then your man hikes his way into this middle of nowhere place. And yet you can get a tractor in there to pull this rock off. where did the tractor come from ???
  • dari awal penggalian terlihat jelas bahwa anda sudah sangat hafal dengan objeg atau bentuk struktur yang anda gali, kesimpulanya ini pasti hanya rekayasa untuk membuat konten yang menarik, terima kasih sudah menghibur,..
  • The internet has become like our government; you never know what to believe.
  • @TheWarminzu
    These are Clickbait videos made only for the enjoyment of watching what it would probably be like to find a treasure not real in my opinion
  • staged, well done and convincing. But where you messed up was when the pit was opened and first seen with the objects inside you and your compadres would be cheering and yelling in delight and awe. the reason you didnt is because you guys already knew what you had placed in the hole.
  • @catmandont100
    At 27:00 ....So thats where the larger cobbles where laid, and not randomly mixed into the overburden dirt. Thankfully 800 years of rain and drizzle didn't fill in around those 800-year-old vases.
  • It’s strange how there’s no vegetation growing in that area, don’t you think!LOL
  • @eneeland
    Just think about who last touched those artifacts all those minutes ago.
  • I'm an English archaeologist and this is 100% fake. The amphora were shoddy and quickly sealed with no care whatsoever. All the " finds" were from totally different date's and some looked suspicious only in the fact that one pot was made out of a child's watering can.....the ridge's gave it away. The owl was hilarious, was it copied from a British barn owl.😂😂😂. The smallest pot was a generic piece you can find in a garden centre.....filled with Aztec coin's!!!! I had a good laugh and can't wait to show my students 🤣 😂😂 who by the way work with real Roman , Saxon and Iron Age material's.!!!!