Canada Threatens to Restrict Your Travel



Wondering what's happening in Canada?

Justin Trudeau, prime minister of Canada, threatened Canadians with a potential loss of travel privileges. Can you imagine? People may even not get a passport if they participated in the protest. This news is another example that governments will be looking for more ways to take away your passport(s) and freedom. You need to be prepared for the worst and have multiple options.

In this video, Andrew shares all the details of how Canada threatens to revoke travel privileges and how that can affect you.

00:00 Start
00:30 Protest in Canada
02:30 What will happen to Canada?
04:23 Freedom of speech in Canada
08:38 Canceling passports
09:35 Renunciation of citizenship

Andrew Henderson and the Nomad Capitalist team are the world's most sought-after experts on legal offshore tax strategies, investment immigration, and global citizenship. We work exclusively with seven- and eight-figure entrepreneurs and investors who want to "go where they're treated best".

Work with Andrew:

Andrew has started offshore companies, opened dozens of offshore bank accounts, obtained multiple second passports, and purchased real estate on four continents. He has spent the last 12 years studying and personally implementing the Nomad Capitalist lifestyle.

Our growing team of researchers, strategies, and implementers add to our ever-growing knowledge base of the best options available. In addition, we've spent years studying the behavior of hundreds of clients in order to help people get the results they want faster and with less effort.

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DISCLAIMER: The information in this video should not be considered tax, financial, investment, or any kind of professional advice. Only a professional diagnosis of your specific situation can determine which strategies are appropriate for your needs. Nomad Capitalist can and does not provide advice unless/until engaged by you.

コメント (21)
  • My wife and I watched the Ottawa protest on YouTube via live independent videographers. We wanted to see if what the media was saying about violence was true. Being retired, we watched it for hours each day for the better part of the 3 weeks. My son even attended one weekend. What I can say with 100%accuracy is that the protest was the most peaceful one I've ever seen. The story the media, our Prime Minister and Jagmeet Singh told was absolutely blatant and disgraceful lies. I have lost respect completely for all of them. They are disgusting and not deserving of the privelidge to serve this country.
  • @c.d.7742
    I was born and have lived here in Canada for over 60 years now, but I can assure you that this is no longer my Canada and has been headed down a dangerous slippery path long before Justin Trudeau became prime minister. Most people only wake up when it affects them personally, and that usually involves financial matters. For myself I have been aware of the path we are heading down for decades because I am a gun owner who has always followed the ever-changing laws regarding firearms. Over the years I have seen increasingly outrageous restrictions and outright bans placed on legal owners while criminals using firearms get a slap on the wrist and are back out on the street through our revolving criminal justice system. I have also become used to being the whipping post to be denigrated as the root cause of all evil in Canadian society because I own and enjoy firearms. Up until Covid, the government's hatred and control has been focused on gun owners. However we have started to see that shift to other groups now. It is now applicable to those who oppose lockdown restrictions and vaccine mandates. Just around the corner will be those who own internal combustion powered vehicles, especially V8 engines like my collector cars. The government has become very adept at using these issues as wedges to divide and conquer the population. It allows them to denigrate those who do not agree with their positions, and garner more support and votes at the same time. The mainstream media plays a key role in this as well, but then what do you expect when they received a bailout package of over half a billion dollars from the Trudeau government. Along with being called racist and misogynist, the government has now moved into the realm of being very vindictive and imposing what can only be described as punitive measures on those who publicly criticize them and disagree with their position. This should be of serious concern to everyone in Canada, but sadly it is not because the majority are sheep who just follow along with what they are told. Most people cannot independently think outside of their small shoebox world. And make no mistake, the seed has already been sown to influence society to hate capitalism and those who have worked hard and accumulated wealth. Down the road I can see myself being someone that the government picks on because of what I have, and the brainwashed sheep will be cheering on. And for the record, I do not consider myself to be anywhere near filthy rich. I do not want to be extremist or a conspiracy theorist, but this is how communism throughout history has started. My observation has been that the majority of sheep desire the government to tell them what to do and what they cannot do. Freedom for most means the ability to purchase a case of beer and be able to drink it while watching a hockey game on television. I have always said that what government is not some benevolent organization with the best interests of people at heart, but rather about monitoring and controlling the people. And in case you think I'm some nutbar, I hold a business degree and am a CPA who spent the last 20 years of my career working in a management level position with the federal government.
  • @davewuest
    Never in my life did I think canada would become a dystopian hell hole.
  • As a Canadian I’ve never been more ashamed and disappointed in my country. Our cherished Charter of Rights and Freedoms exists only in theory and NOT in reality.
  • This is happening everyday. I caught a text message from my ex husband's sister who lives in the USA, to my ex (her brother), saying he was unable to open a video she sent him from the states about Dave Chappelle, because he lived in Canada where there is HEAVY censorship. There are videos you can open in the USA which you can not open in Canada because of media censorship. That is Canada for you and Canadian's themselves living in Canada and or outside Canada are beginning to say it out loud and print. I have a screenshot of said text. She lives in LA.
  • I woke up when Obama ran for President, it took about 8 years but I became a Conservative & cannot be swayed from that.
  • I have a similar story. I traveled all over Europe right out of college crossing numerous borders (early 1980s). They would just stamp the passport looking bored never searched our luggage or gave us a second glance. We did get our luggage searched once but we saw a line and got in the line later we learned we didn't need to get in that line. But, when we returned to the U.S. our luggage was searched thoroughly. I felt bad for them. Mainly dirty stinky clothes.
  • @gmcg8775
    Politicians aren’t parents and citizens aren’t children. Accepting this treatment, regardless of your political stance, is abhorrent.
  • Never mind not being able to travel internationally, In Canada you can not travel domestically by Air, Rail or Ship if you are unvaccinated !
  • @seb8645
    Thanks for speaking about this. It’s tragic what is happening in Canada and worldwide.
  • @TH-xx9cn
    You nailed it. I'm very aware most people are giving up our Freedom. 😪
  • As a Canadian who is getting increasingly frustrated with their country, thank you so much for covering this issue.
  • @pauls5433
    The biggest problem with our government today.... Many of our politicians are working for World Economic Forum, and are making their decisions based on whats best for W.E.F. AND NOT WHAT'S BEST FOR CANADA. All politicians backed by or affiliated with W.E.F. should be voted OUT!
  • Canadian guy here. The representation of the Protesters from the P.M. was disgraceful and purposeful. His judgements in both word and deed were misleading and harsh. If you can't come and walk and talk with the People, get lost Trudeau!
  • Canadian here.....not for a moment am I delusional enough to believe that things are 'back to normal' in my country. From the past 2 years with covid , to the truckers freedom convoy and recently the emergencies act I know we have to 'watch our backs' all the time now. Sad but true.....there isn't an official, politician or media source I trust right now
  • I'm also a Canadian. The truth is that our representative system is not equally balanced across the country. Some areas have more "seats" in government than others. JT was thus elected without the popular vote, as only 33% of those who voted, voted for him. He is not widely liked here. He is destroying our country.
  • Totally agree! Thanks for your excellent advices. From France here.
  • Lived in Canada for 72 years. My father fought in WW2 in RCAF 8BR ,48 of 52 of his squadron died. This is not the Canada that he fought for. We are leaving Canada to be permanent citizens of Portugal and are encouraging our 3 sons to do the same . North america is being destroyed by the woke left and most people drinking the cool-aide will never see it until it is too late. My advice-Leave for a much better life.