Vent tiktoks in case your not feeling it today

Published 2022-10-08

All Comments (21)
  • @Coratown
    TO KEEP EVERYONE UPDATED! So the person has sent me an apology I would later post that soon however although I do forgive them we are acquaintances but now please don’t go and hate on them but I’m not saying to forget the situation btw I won’t be posting since I’m back in school
  • @theirlmess
    3:51 Recently I’ve been seeing more of men posting vent videos, and it makes me so happy. Usually a lot of men don’t vent or show their feelings so I’m honestly so happy this video is in here! <33
  • @mewrie_mew
    For any body who doubts, harms themselves bc they think they aren't good enough, gets bulied/abused/yelled at that you are perfect the way you are and you should never forget that at least one person loves you, and maybe not even a person, your pets love you too. And some random strangers in the comment section under a youtube video support u no matter what :)
  • 1:07 it’s so cute when someone does that like it makes me so happy and less ashamed of stimmin
  • @-Helllooo
    POV: you had to pretend to be happy all day and you still can’t cry bc you share a room and don’t want to worry anyone
  • @beeleaf4507
    My mental health has finally taken a turn for the better. I’m thinking about the future now, I’m happy, I’m 5 days clean of sh(not that much to some, huge step for me!) and I even have started doing things that make me happy. I’m no longer hopeless, I want to live, I can’t wait for the future, and it doesn’t feel like the other time my mental health has “gotten better”, I feel like I’m genuinely happy again, and I don’t see myself getting worse again. Every time my mind slips back into an old(negative) pattern, my mind automatically corrects it. I used to believe that it would never get better, I felt like everyone saying that was being so fake and patronizing. I finally feel hope again<3
  • 2:51 finding one that hits right at home is such a unique feeling. like not happy, but almost as if you're seen.
  • @KokoYukii-
    3:33 I really felt that. Over the summer my mother would tell me we’re going swimming. Although I had been clean for a few months and there were only scars left but I was self conscious and would think “what if she finds out” I had mostly the whole summer sat on the side and sweat to death saying that it was “to cold for swimming” when it was always 80 degrees out
  • @jaydafontaine
  • I’m watching these because I just defriended the people who I have been friends with for eight years. They were so toxic and led me to almost ending my life because of how bad they made me feel about myself, I felt so trapped but I finally did what I thought was best and I completely cut them off and they were very mad and I know that they will leak my biggest secrets and I will have no friends, but it’s better to have no friends than friends that treat you like shit and make you feel so bad that you self harm. I feel so free right now and I’m so glad that they will never hurt Me again. If you have bad friends like mine, you should defriend them. It will be extremely hard but you just need to cut them off tell them goodbye and block them. Always choose Quality over Quantity you guys :)
  • I’ve recently got a bf, and he lets me vent to him when I need, and he makes me feel heard, and I’m happy someone cares to listen ♥️
  • @Toxon69
    For anyone who happens to stubble upon this, here’s a better outlook on sh. They’re your battle scars sometimes you get pulled into a battle again and end up with worse wounds than before but that’s ok as long as you find a future where they weren’t weathered for nothing. You’ve fought and won battles your so much stronger than you give yourself credit for, so don’t feel to bad about getting dragged back down into a fight you’ll make it out again just like you have in the past.
  • @sweatershirt
    1:17 as somebody part of the lgbtq+ community- I constantly use the wrong pronouns for people when they change them while I know them, it’s hard for me to get used to new pronouns though I try my best. I always try to change my view of the person to the gender/pronouns they prefer, but it can be difficult. This video is not always the situation.
  • to anyone studying: take a break, listen to some music, drink water and eat, and don't overwork yourself!! <3 you've got this. don\t give up, you can do this! you can get that A, or B, or whatever you're striking towards! to anyone sleeping: grab a blanket, or a stuffed animal/plush, and change our of any uncomfortable clothes. try to put your device up and get a good night's rest. <3 to anyone who's feeling upset/sad/angry/worried.. you're awesome. you can get through this. whatever happened is not your fault! if you're worried about someone/something, it'll all be okay. you're so cool, smart, funny, kind, epic, sweet, amazing, and just such an awesome person. to anyone who's feeling happy/excited.. great! i'm so happy for you! <33 try to stay that way, but don't overwork yourself, and remember to be kind! to anyone who's sick.. i hope you get better. everyone's been sick, but you can get through this sickness. i believe in you! stay safe, get lots of rest, but remember to eat and drink! don't eat/drink anything you'll know wouldn't help you feel better, but if you're unsure, look it up! to anyone who's thinking of doing s/h.. don't do it. trust me, it's not worth it. i know it might feel good for the most part, but there are tons of people who care about you. i care about you! i'm sure lots of people do as well, and if not, I still do! i love you no matter what, just don't do it. it's not worth it in the long run. to anyone who's thinking of s*icide.. listen to me.. DON'T DO IT. so many people love and care about you. you are awesome, beautiful, kind, sweet, caring, epic, funny, amazing, cool, great, pretty, handsome, just DON'T DO IT. if you'd like to talk, I AM HERE. it's NOT worth it, PLEASE don't do it. i love you.
  • “ it’s just a swimming pool “ …( getting flashbacks and slowly tearing up )
  • @hhuehs5224
    I already replied to a comment regarding this, but I thought I’d just say it here too. To anyone who was a victim of csa, I’m so sorry and I believe you! I was hurt by my father in that way at a young age, and it went on for 5 years, and I reported 4 years after that. I just thought I’d write a bit about the reporting process (at least this is the reporting process if you’re a minor in the USA) because I know not everyone knows these things. First of all, if you’re wanting to report, I recommend telling a mandated reporter (a teacher, therapist, school counselor, etc). You could also always tell a parent or guardian if you believe they’d help you report. After you make the initial report, someone from cps will come to your school or home to talk to you (in my case they came to my school). I got lucky that my person was understanding, but sometimes they’ll ask more detailed questions that may be hard to answer. After that, they’ll determine whether or not to take this further, and you’ll have an appointment made at a Child Advocacy Center. At the CAC, you’ll have a forensic interview. A forensic interview is where they’ll ask for your story, where you were touched, and all of those details. It’s all recorded, and a detective and the CPS person on your case will listen to it in another room. (I promise the people at the CAC are very very nice, a CAC is a place for severely physically abused and s*xually abused children, so they deal with this stuff all of the time and are typically very empathetic). After that, an investigation will begin! It’s a very very long process (I’m still going through it!) so just remember that nobody forgot about you, and everyone on the case is on your side!! 💚 If you have any questions please ask! I may not know the answers, but I’ll try my best.
  • @yuakim6973
    Does anyone else here feel like, I'm really good at one thing, so i don't have time to be good at other things. And then someone shows up who's better than you at the one thing you're good at, but they're also really good at everything else, and it makes you feel like you will never be good enough at anything?
  • @user-vk2zb3sd1e
    I hear you. It can feel incredibly frustrating and disheartening when you don't feel like you're enough or like you're not receiving the love you deserve. It's like this heavy weight that sits on your chest, making every day feel like a struggle. You try so hard to be everything for everyone, but it never feels like it's enough. And the worst part is that sometimes it feels like no matter what you do, you just can't shake these feelings. It's like they're ingrained in your mind, constantly whispering that you're not good enough, that you'll never be worthy of love. It's exhausting, isn't it? Trying to fight against these thoughts day in and day out. Sometimes it feels like you're fighting a losing battle, and it's hard to see any light at the end of the tunnel. It's like being stuck in a never-ending cycle of disappointment and frustration. You try to make things better, but it seems like every step forward is followed by two steps back. It's exhausting, feeling like you're constantly fighting against the current, struggling just to keep your head above water. And sometimes, it feels like you're all alone in this struggle. Like there's nobody who truly understands what you're going through or who cares enough to offer a helping hand. It's isolating, this feeling of being adrift in a sea of problems with no one to turn to for support. You look around and see other people seemingly living their best lives, and it just makes you feel even more inadequate. You wonder what you're doing wrong, why things can't seem to go right for you like they do for everyone else. It's like you're trapped in a dark tunnel with no end in sight, and no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to find your way out. You want so desperately to break free from this cycle of negativity and despair, but it feels like an impossible task. Feeling like the odd one out is like constantly wearing a mask that never quite fits right. You try to blend in, to be like everyone else, but no matter what you do, you always stick out like a sore thumb. It's like being at a party where everyone seems to know the secret handshake except for you. You try to join in the conversation, to laugh at the jokes, but you can't shake the feeling that you just don't belong. And it's not just in social situations either. It's like everywhere you go, you're the square peg in a round hole. At work, you don't quite fit in with your colleagues. In your hobbies, you don't quite fit in with your peers. It's like you're always on the outside looking in, never quite part of the group. And the worst part is that it feels like nobody really gets you. They might try to understand, but deep down, you know that they'll never truly understand what it's like to be you. You feel like an alien in your own skin, like you're speaking a different language in a world that only understands one. It's lonely, feeling like you're always on the fringes of society, never fully embraced by the world around you. You long for connection, for belonging, but it always seems just out of reach. Being insecure is like having a constant storm raging inside your mind, tearing down any semblance of confidence or self-assurance. It's this relentless voice whispering in your ear, telling you that you're not good enough, that you'll never measure up to those around you. It's like walking on a tightrope, always teetering on the edge of self-doubt and anxiety. No matter how hard you try to convince yourself otherwise, there's always that nagging fear that you're just one misstep away from failure. And it's exhausting, constantly second-guessing yourself and overanalyzing every little thing you say or do. It's like you're trapped in a never-ending loop of negative thoughts, unable to break free from the cycle of self-criticism. You try to put on a brave face and pretend like everything's okay, but deep down, you're terrified that people will see through the facade and realize just how insecure you really are. You're constantly comparing yourself to others, measuring your worth against arbitrary standards of success and beauty. And the worst part is that no matter how many compliments you receive or achievements you accomplish, it never seems to be enough to silence that voice of doubt in your head. You're always searching for external validation to fill the void of insecurity within you, but no amount of praise or admiration can ever truly quell the storm raging inside. Feeling like you're not pretty enough is like constantly being bombarded by a barrage of images and expectations, all telling you that you don't measure up. It's this overwhelming sense of inadequacy that follows you wherever you go, coloring every interaction and every thought with self-doubt. It's like you're constantly comparing yourself to airbrushed models and filtered selfies, always coming up short in your own eyes. No matter how hard you try to see the beauty within yourself, it's like there's always a voice in the back of your mind telling you that you'll never be as pretty as those you see in magazines or on social media. And it's not just about physical appearance, either. It's about feeling like you're not worthy of love or attention because you don't fit into society's narrow definition of beauty. It's about feeling like you have to constantly apologize for the way you look, as if your worth as a person is somehow tied to your outward appearance. It's exhausting, this constant battle with your own self-image. You try to tell yourself that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors, but it's hard to believe it when the world around you seems to say otherwise.