Leonardo da Vinci inventions tested

Published 2019-12-23
Leonardo da Vinci inventions tested, Likes (vs. dislikes) - 98.6% Make it 100! Many thanks!
It's really good models and video. I did spent a lot of time and energy. Please share, thanks.
Leonardo da Vinci perpetual motion machine and flying machine are included.
He is credited with the inventions of the parachute, helicopter and tank, aerial screw, experimental wing, self-supported bridge, double decked bridge, wall defense, anemometer, ball bearing, flywheel, automatic hammer, flying machine, etc.
Please watch HD remake of da Vinci inventions with more workable museum quality models.
All models Leonardo da Vinci inventions are made and filmed by the author of this channel.
Unlocking Leonardo's Engineering: Investigating and Testing da Vinci Inventions

All Comments (21)
  • da Vinci is the friend who already has played trough the game and is giving you stuff that you weren't supposed to have.
  • @nowhereman6019
    I'm actually most impressed with the ball bearings. You'd be surprised how useful and commonly used they are today.
  • @sirbillius
    “Tested” is a stretch. “Demonstrated” is more accurate.
  • @vinayakk2745
    Leo was good at Painting, drawing, sculpting, science, engineering, architecture, anatomy. Basically he was the Tony stark of ancient times
  • @Thoroughly_Wet
    If he would've marketed that scythed chariot to wealthy farmland owners instead of trying to turn it into a war machine, couldve been the first mechanized harvester and we probably would've seen a huge leap in anything agriculture related
  • @PaintSlanga
    He also invented the two story outhouse with less success.
  • @awesomeattic
    Crazy how he invented all this stuff just to die in the Titanic
  • @GungFuNanbu
    It is a pity that Da Vinci had no interest in completing many of his inventions, his versatility is one of his greatest virtues, but it is also the reason that he abandoned many projects to focus on those that mattered most to him, the medicine and the art, in addition to his war inventions that he needed to finance his work. The best Latin scientist in history.
  • @MrBeastKorea
    Innovations today: "phone charger not included in the box."
  • @zexille8223
    This da Vinci is a smart guy, i bet he'll go far.
  • @neiabaraja8040
    Da Vinci: Nooooo My Charriot Is Used For War! Modern people: haha, lawn mower go brrrnngggg
  • 5:03 doesn’t actually work because of a change in the centre of mass, eventually it comes to rest. This would be an example of a perpetual motion machine, which cannot exist with the laws of physics as we know them.
  • @actioncom2748
    That odometer would have been great for a medieval taxi service. " That's five balls. That'll be five silver coins." "Funny, I thought I heard four balls drop. Here's your five coins. That includes the tip."
  • @shikikan6345
    Dont forget that he was the first guy to invent a freaking tank. And oh also be involved with a family of assasins
  • Leonardo: invents scythe chariot for war Farmers: Why must you do this?
  • Wow. Its amazing how someone can be such a talented inventor, while also being so skilled in acting. Truly a legend.
  • 0:40 “ The sythed chariot was dragged by a team of four horses and manned by a crew of up to three men, one driver, and two warriors.” Imagine spending your life training to be the best warrior and being sent out to cut grass.
  • @pauljs75
    The cam lifted hammers were used in forges and powered by water-wheels long before steam engines were invented.
  • @edirt
    The love that went in to create Leonardos inventions in this video is amazing, they look fantastic.
  • Whoa, that ball system for measuring distance travelled is genius. Leonardo really was something else. Not only the greatest artist, but the greatest mechanical engineer ever. Newton, Tesla, Euler and Leonardo the smartest people in history.