Violin Sonata in C Minor, HV 19

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Violin Sonata in C Minor - Athena Vay (dedicated to Marco Walcott), Composed for Violin and Piano
0:00 - Title Screen
0:05 - I. Langsam, ausdrucksstark mit Wärme und Süße, aber nicht zu viel
5:21 - II. Rondo. Fröhlich, scherzhaft und kindisch
8:16 - III. Ergreifendes und ausdrucksstarkes Intermezzo, aber pünktlich
10:02 - IV. Adagio und süß, aber nicht zu viel
I did it! After two long months of working on this sonata, I finally finished! This is my autobiographical Violin Sonata, and I couldn't have done this without the help of my family, and the dedicatee, Marco Walcott.

I. Langsam, ausdrucksstark mit Wärme und Süße, aber nicht zu viel
The sonata starts with three chords played by the piano, signaling the entry of the violin with a solemn melody played espressivo. This theme is heard throughout the movement with little variation and is passed between the two instruments. The motif and monothematic structure of the movement signaling no hope, but after seemingly forever, a glimmer of hope shines from the music when the two instruments collide. The first half is done, and we go back to the start, but with that sliver of hope in the mind. When we reach the coda, we hear the opening motif in G Major and a simple, yet magnificent piano accompaniment plays alongside the violin. The ending is tranquil and sums up the opening movement perfectly and stops like lying on a pillow of music.

II. Rondo. Fröhlich, scherzhaft und kindisch
The second movement starts fast and lively with a simple melody and accompaniment. The instruments exchange having the melody while the piano keeps the accompaniment. The theme is heard with no change in the accompaniment and melody, almost as if it is cut and pasted throughout. The feeling of oddity in the music, and the repeated motif signals a cheery yet eerie mood in the piece. The piece ends abruptly, yet at the right place, showing a new start and fresh beginnings.

III. Ergreifendes und ausdrucksstarkes Intermezzo, aber pünktlich
The intermezzo starts with the solo violin playing a simple melody with no accompaniment. The piano then enters with the violin accompanying with 8th note runs filled with grace notes. The piano accompaniment seems off, almost as if the first two movements are coming back into memory. The movement ends shortly and sweetly, signaling a yearning to the past with no regard to the future.

IV. Adagio und süß, aber nicht zu viel
The last movement starts with a blocky piano motif that is heard through the entire first half of the movement. The violin and piano interchange melodies and the triplets show a refreshing start against the common time signature. The first half ends with a refreshing chord. Later, the violin plays solo trills and a mechanical sounding melody, and an equally mechanical accompaniment fill the space, but there's still care put into the melody. The piano then returns the opening motif heard in the first two bars, and the first half is repeated, bringing an end to the sonata with a fresh start. This time, a refreshing start and hope to move on.
I hope you enjoyed my sonata, and I hope this inspired you to start composing, and also to look at my works! I will be coming out with more epic, more emotional music in the future! See you in my next composition!
Composed from April 14, 2024 to May 9, 2024
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コメント (3)
  • @Geopholus
    I applaud Your hard work. Seeing what You have to say about Your work, you have expressed the feelings through Your music. Hang in there. Become the artist of Your dreams, and be patient. Much appreciated musical journey in this work..
  • @ThornsMM2
    Do remember me from Seminole I’m Grayson