The Secret of Al Haqq

Publicado 2024-03-10
I know that I exist; the question is, What is this ‘I’ that ‘I’ know.
~René Descartes

This evening’s topic — “The Secret of Al Haqq”

The word “Haqq” is a little difficult to translate from the Arabic to the English and very difficult to understand in any language. We usually translate it as “True” or “Real”. “Al Haqq”, then, means “The True, “The Real”.

The fact that “Al Haqq” is one of the traditional “99 Divine Names of God” highlights the deep significance placed upon this multifaceted word.

Haqq is a very important concept for some Sufis – so much so that in a few Sufi Orders, members greet each other with the phrase “Ya Haqq” (O Truth) as a reminder of what their focus is.

An understanding of Haqq may enable one to better grasp an ontological idea that is highly cherished in (some) Sufi circles: “Wahdat al Wujud” (“the Unity of Being”).

One could say that the concept of Wahdat al Wujud is the inevitable expression of the experience of Al Haqq.

Let’s take an hour or so to discuss the True, The Real, and the Oneness of Being.

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Todos los comentarios (15)
  • @yusufkocamaz5908
    I'd like to offer another Turkish term that even Turkish people no longer use: "zevk etmek". Zevk in Turkish (org. Arabic: الذوق) can be translated as pleasure. We can roughly translate "zevk etmek" into "to enjoy". The term "Zevk" refers to the knowledge that the devotee finds in his heart through "Kashf" (discovery) and inspiration as a result of moral and spiritual purification. He/she tastes the meanings but is incapable of explaining or describing them. The Truth can not be gripped, grasped, learned, or taught but enjoyed. This is very interesting. To grip, to grasp, to learn, to teach, to own... These are all acts of "ego". To experience, to enjoy... This is the act of essence. These actions are also passive. The Truth just is and we are exposed to it. If we can be still and silent we can enjoy it.
  • @djilyaz
    Understanding Oneness is not a stretch, it's the Why thats baffling.
  • @nalanderebej4991
    ...thise are only words, your words, but they are finding a direct way into my heart...🥰
  • @tulay1453
    Being exposed to the direct experience of what is ❤🙏
  • @backmanback
    Brave steps of thinking 😊 But Al Haqq is and will be there to explore all his beauty with us❤
  • @zakelfassi
    Excited for future fellow humans (and machines) who'll discover this treasure trove of priceless content. Thank you for all you do!
  • @atheeraranki8024
    Well-timed talk and conscious exchange ❤ thank you for that 🙏🏼 the image that comes up for me on the path toward the truth is represented in a wide field of shifting waves in doing, behavior and state, and upon arrival to truth (if ever arrived) then the work begins! Just beautiful and my words aren’t enough to express the shift I am currently experiencing 🙏🏼
  • There are 2 seasons of the Rumi series and yes it's really good you can see it free with English subs if you search a bit
  • @MrTK-uv6vg
    Wahdat al wajood was corrected as wahdat as shahood by sheikh Mujadid alfi sani imam e rabbani Reconstruction of religious thought in islam is a great book by the poet iqbal. In it he discusses the I Al beruni famed book India has an account of the earlist sufis and there belief system vs the mixing of Persian, indian greek, siberian / central asian shamanism ideas beliefs in to the pseudo sufism Sufism is tazkia e nafs explained in surah Al-Ala of the Holy Quran
  • This truth you talk of is outside of the game of life. It's like playing a game of chess with no rules anymore, the game becomes ruined . How can this truth help one to play the game of life?
  • @FinalEyes777
    Have we yet learned that not only must we know the truth, but celebrate it? We have to repeatedly discuss the truth and its implications and build communities and culture around this. There is no other choice! lol Because if we don't do this other false religions will fill that void and then we have to still celebrate the truth, while also trying to wrestle another false God/idol.
  • @LLLewelyn
    Jewish (and Latin, German, English) translations have a lot to answer for in translating ancient texts, especially those written in Greek. Hebrew in particular does an inferior job of explaining the complexity and makes it's own decipher (or narrative) around the text. The entirety of the abrahamic religions are inferior to the Greek mysteries and their predecessor Zarathustrianism. Jewish scholars that posit The Torah as even being anywhere close to origin point myths, stories or mysteries are sychophants to their own bias and/or ignorance.