The One Co Star Alan Alda Couldn't Stand On MASH

Published 2023-05-01

All Comments (21)
  • @VidClips858
    Alan Alda couldn't stand this guy for not giving us the answer.
  • My favorite line was delivered by Colonel Blake: "All I know is what they taught me in command school. Rule Number One is: in a war, young men die. And Rule Number Two is: Doctors can't change Rule Number One."
  • So who was the one co-star Alda couldn't stand? What a rip off! They never say!
  • You can only act so much. It was obvious in the last episode that when Margaret Houlihan said to Colonel Potter, "You dear, sweet man," and embraced and kissed him, it was Loretta Swit talking to Harry Morgan. Very moving. The show just had no equal in its writing quality, its humor, its character establishment and development, and its gravitas.
  • @joefaber1381
    Here is something that you missed... many of the writers, support personnel and background actors came straight over from the cancelled Hogan's Heroes.
  • @larslarsman
    Haven't heard this narrator for a while. His rising squeaky pitch at the start of each sentence and rising squeaky pitch with vowels, sounds like someone is torturing him with pliers on his privates. Squeak on brave narrator. I want an award for sticking with this video for 6 minutes.
  • @Kulumuli
    I watched a lot of MASH before I did my military service in 1994-1995 (in Norway). One fellow recruit was like BJ Hunnicut (Mike Farrel). He even looked like him. He was always calm and kept his locker in pristine order all the time. I saw only once he raised his eyebrows when our recruits took a joke too far. Everybody liked him. A good guy.
  • I joined the US Army in 76. I chose to become a Medic because of this show and after training I went to Germany. The field unit I was assigned to was just the same group of guys, just the names and faces changed. It's been 45 years since I last saw any of my brothers. Too long.
  • One of my favorite scenes in MASH was when Potter had been drinking with BJ and Hawkeye and he fell down and said, "Did I fall down?" BJ/Hawkeye said, "no, no" and Potter replied, "I didn't think so."
  • My dad LOVED this show. My dad was a surgeon and told me that he learned how to do surgeries by watching the show (I was really little when he said this), lol.
  • @markmarsh27
    I rented Loretta Swit a car when she was doing a play in Toronto in the early '90's, delivered it to her hotel. I was shy to meet her, (BIG M.A.S.H. Fan here!) but her shyness was far greater than mine, a very humble Lady, nothing "Diva" about her.
  • @davidnash8208
    In one early episode there was an unexploded bomb in the compound: "What should we do?" "We should evacuate." "I think I already did!"
  • I still watch it every weekday morning. Dvr records 6 episodes and I randomly watch off and on till evening…then I’ll delete and start over again the next morning. It’s 8:19 am now and I have it on the tv.😀😀❤
  • @erictaylor5462
    The finally of that show was so damn good. "You start out asking, "Why is he in the loony bin? What happened to Hawkeye, who had spent the entire series joking and laughing just as a way to deal with the insane devastation wrought on the young men who passed by his operating table." When he finally remembers, saying "It was a baby!" The delivery of that line utterly destroyed me. Especially when you discover, that had actually happened. Did you know that a baby's cry is one of the most noticeable sounds a human may hear? If your hiding, knowing that you will all be killed should those searching found you, a fussy baby is one of the deadliest things you could have.
    So, the hook line is never directly addressed. Are we to guess that Wayne Rogers was the co-star whom Alan Alda couldn't stand? For my part, by the last few years of the series, I couldn't stand Alan Alda.
  • I can't believe MASH will be 50 this year. I can honestly say (with most of your viewers) that I grew up watching the show and still enjoy to this day!
  • So who was it? The narrator never actually made it clear.😮 On another note, this was my Mother’s favorite show. I watched it with her as a teenager n loved it myself. I have fond memories of hearing her exuberant laughter n how happy her face looked when she laughed watching it. Laughter is like a sweet desert for the soul. My Mom had it rough. She was a single Mother to 3 young girls after my parents got divorced. She rarely got child support and at times worked 3 jobs to pay bills n feed us. Watching M.A.S.H. was a sweet escape for her from all the stress she was enduring. She not only managed to keep her head above water n handle everything by herself but she was an exemplary example to her children. She got Alzheimer’s in her late seventies. My sisters and I were her sole caregivers for almost 3 years before she transitioned. I miss her and her contagious laughter. 💝
  • @lotusmanb3832
    Colonel Flagg best recurring character hands down.
  • I talked with “radar” before an interview and he was very pleasant to me. The writer Alan Katz i met and visted with pre interview and he was so funny he left me in stitches.