Daughter was brutally beaten by Vietnamese police! Mother went on social media to scream for help!!!

Publicado 2021-12-04
#PleaseSaveVN #SOSHCMC #SOSVietnam Story only in Vietnam - a land without laws! This time, international organizations such as Human Rights Watch and the United Nations will have more evidence of Vietnamese communist police abusing their power to oppress people.

The victim is a woman named Trinh Thi Xem, born in 1982, from Ca Mau. She went to Dong Nai province to work as a bricklayer. Her mother posted on social media a video in which she accused the Vietnamese communist police in Xuan An ward, Long Khanh city, Dong Nai province brutally beating her daughter after reporting the crime. Ms. Xem was asked by her brother to call the police because she discovered the thief on the morning of November 26. Then, she volunteered to drive a police officer on her motorbike to the scene. Both the thief suspect and the two sisters of Ms. Xem were taken to the ward police station.

Because she was just a reporter, not related to the incident, she took her motorbike out but was stopped by a police officer who is the Chief of the ward police station. She said: "Please let me go home! Because I just reported the news, it has nothing to do with it! I go back to work as a bricklayer and have to cook rice for my children." But he did not let her go home, forcing her to stay because he said she was the one to report. Then he talked to Ms. Xem's younger brother - Mr. Trinh Xuan Loc. The situation began to become tense when that policeman began to curse, bully, abuse tobacco. Seeing the police around take out the phone to record, Ms. Xem also took a video, because she thought it was okay.

But when she was just filming the video, this policeman rushed in, snatched the phone, shouted and threatened her. He cursed: "Fuck this son of a bitch! Who let you film in here?!" She said. "I didn't know there was no filming here. I won't take any more videos!" He immediately took her phone and gave it to another policeman. Because she is illiterate, she said that she did not understand, so she couldn't read the sign prohibiting filming or taking pictures! But her answer made the situation worse. He said: "Fuck your mother! Get her in here!" Then dozens of policemen took them inside.

After that, her brother was restrained by 2 policemen, and she was brutally beaten. 4 policemen hit her head, face and body so much that she fell to the ground. Then her whole body was bruised. The other policeman said: "Still insolent? Still want to be insolent?" She knelt down and said: "Forgive me! I dare not!" Her brother was also beaten! She said that day she thought that the two sisters were dead and could not return home! And the chief of the ward police wanted to hit her with a baton, but because she begged, he didn't hit her. Then he forced her to sign a piece of paper she didn't know what it was! The two sisters of Ms. Xem continued to be detained until 3 pm before being released. 2 thieves were released because the police said there was no evidence! The head of the ward police station threatened her brother not to sue or make a big deal out of it. If they don't, they will be arrested and beaten to death in prison! Ms. Xem's family came to complain about the incident but no one resolved it!

The mother cried on social networks calling on the online community to strongly share this video. She recounted the incident while recording photos of the wounds on her daughter's body. She cried and said in pain: "He beat my child from 11 AM, 5 PM I just found out! Tell my son to go home, don't tell anyone! Poor people go to report that they say are false accusations and bullying people! Please, the online community share this video to Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong!"

It's so brutal and cruel! Vietnam signed the Convention Against Torture in 2013. However, Vietnam's communist government still blatantly tortures people, violates international law, and seriously violates human rights! Universal Declaration of Human Rights or any laws of the civilized world, communists will never follow! What will the whole world think with these images?

The Vietnamese government does not take care of the people, does not give relief money and vaccine aided by the US to the Vietnamese people. Now they are suffering because of directives 16 and 16+ of the communist government, especially in HCMC.

All videos on my channel are selected, approved and allowed to be shared by RFA Vietnamese - a media channel for Vietnamese people. And my channel is completely written in English, so that the whole world can understand and approach the situation in Vietnam. Any reports about my channel are personal attacks and are deliberate attempts to block my appeal to help the people of Vietnam.

Please share this video and this incident to save the people of Vietnam. They are starving and miserable.


For more information about Vietnam's situation, visit my Twitter:
Kristina Nguyen (@KristAmagora)

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