China's Catastrophic Oil & Gas Problem

Publicado 2022-07-30

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @PhilHug1
    Good to see people talking about China's weaknesses instead of seeing them as a unstoppable force
  • @kevinm.5939
    I was active in the US Navy between 2011-2017, and did 2 deployments in amphibious fleets acting within the 5th fleet (Middle East) and 7th fleet (Pacific) in 2013 and 2016. We had to act as "presence of force" in the South China Sea during both deployments as we crossed through 7th fleet, and moored in multiple ports of the surrounding states. China always has multiple subs and spy planes following our fleets to act as bravado, but it's crazy how easily we could blockade China from our positions all throughout Southeast Asia, while the US literally sits on the complete other side of the world.
    Well, my head hurts a bit from all this information, but damn this was an illuminating video on the intricacies of Chinese energy strategies.
  • I appreciate your video and insights. I was hooked and watched one video and another. Thank you!
  • @wafiqal4818
    As a Malaysian, it is common to know that the Strait of Malacca has been one of the most strategic route since the Malacca Sultanate, but knowing China heavily rely on this route to import LNG really blows my mind, I just found out this today
  • @ck4797
    If this form and presentation was available during my high school days, learning new things would have been easier.
  • @asullivan4047
    Interesting and informative. Excellent photography/map job enabling viewers to better understand what /whom the orator is describing.
  • @Tarkov.
    When you first said "12 mile zones" and then showed the economic zones, hoo boy I got really confused thinking the south china sea was much smaller than I ever imagined.
  • @PaulGuy
    Someone finally thought of the smaller US carriers. Most of the time, people only mention the supercarriers, but forget about the "helicopter" carriers, all of which either currently can or could easily be modified to carry Harriers and/or the F-35.
  • @anastasiabutton
    Great video! Side note, when you were talking about Nebula at the end one of my professors from Colorado Mesa University (at the time he was there at least) is in your clip - how crazy! I need to look him up now. 😆
  • @cheri238
    I listened to this a ways back, but at that time, I did not know how to save on my cellphone or leave a comment. regretfully, I am not tech savey. I am learning as I go. I have asked many people to view your videos as they are very informative . Thank you for your in-depth research, as I can only assume how much time and effort these are to make
  • @ojas8578
    That strait is the reason why India has so much potential and is looking to upgrade the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  • My dude, this was simply amazing. Honestly. What unbelievable effort. The fact that this is free to watch is a blessing. The details, the narration, the illustrations, the sheer documentary-level quality of your content. That was astonishing. Congratulations and please, oh please, keep them coming.
  • Always impressed with the quality of the visual aids, this is the most amazing channel on Youtube.
  • @Horizon3165
    Thank you. Information well presented and very informative.
  • @luxuryhub1323
    This production deserves to be longer . Everything was super detailed, educative and informative Thanks for this
  • @SAA91DK
    your videos become more like a documentary episode of around 40 min each rather than a YouTube video. Good work