See inside the tower controlling the chaos of Vancouver Harbour's airspace | Secret Spaces

Published 2020-03-06
Vancouver Harbour Tower is responsible for keeping pilots and passengers moving safely through one of the busiest waterfront airspaces in North America, and at 142 metres off the ground, it's also one of the highest air traffic control centres in the world. Our Mike Killeen got a tour in the first entry in our new Secret Spaces series.

All Comments (8)
  • @mothmagic1
    Must be one of the few ATC towers that is above the level of the flights for a fair portion of their approach and departure.
  • @ph11p3540
    Keep in mind this is a very small shipping port by global standards. It's not even in the top 100 sea ports by tonnage or TAU moved.
  • @garym444
    Hmm looks like it's next to Canada place
  • @Rick-C-117
    But why not upload in 4K or at least 1080? CBC, so mediocre.
  • @dashcan8479
    So no disabled welcome to work for Nav Canada. Inaccessible work violation of the Human Rights code.