How We Became the Loneliest Generation [Documentary]

In this deep dive episode, we take a look at the loneliness epidemic. Its origins, causes and some solutions.

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YouTube videos used:

-    • Happiness  
-    • Loneliness as a "market opportunity"  
-    • I Have No Friends  
-    • I'm 31 And Have No Friends (Emotional...  
-    • I’m 30 years old and I have no friend...  
-    • 25 Years Old: I Have NO Friends...I H...  
-    • "I have no friends"- it's a trend and...  
-    • Being Friendless in Japan  
-    • Japanese People Rent Friends and Fami...  

Studies, articles and research mentioned in the video:

- [… by Age&text=Here are some loneliness statistics, in a survey by YouGov](….

Producer: Dagogo Altraide

Writers: Meehan Kathan, Piriye Altraide, Dagogo Altraide

Research: Meehan Kathan, Dagogo Altraide

Editors: Tanzim Uddin, Dagogo Altraide

コメント (21)
  • @ColdFusion
    This topic is not something I'd usually do on ColdFusion, but it's something I have been intrigued by for a long time and an issue that's very important to me. I tried to approach the "solutions" on a broad angle since I am not a psychologist or a psychiatrist, so do speak to a professional if you think you need help with chronic loneliness. But I hope I have been able to shed some light on this crucial topic! Be kind to each other and thanks for watching!
  • @abhijeettoor
    Robin Williams once said "I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone."
  • @imAKHILc
    Drinking alone in my apartment and this video pops up in the notification :')
  • @Tyler-yf5fo
    I think part of the problem also is trust. You may make friends as an acquaintance, but it often takes years to trust someone. Also, just because you have known someone for years, it does not necessarily mean you know them well. People can be fake too. I know a few people in my circle of friends who are just not genuine. People come and go and it is very difficult to find lifelong friends who are sincere and have your interest at heart. Excellent video!
  • I love how we say that loneliness is structural because of economic strain, architecture, technology…and then say that a therapist is going to help you with the underlying causes of loneliness. What are they going to do? Shore up the economy so I can move back to my home town? Build a public square in my neighborhood? Relocate some childhood friends?
  • @TheEyrie
    The disappearance of third places is a big difference. In my younger years, we had places and spaces to meet, chat and discuss. I still love libraries for this reason. However, they’re getting eroded year by year.
  • @sammy5576
    Using AI to fix loneliness is like ripping down the walls of your house to burn to keep warm, or like trying to drink yourself out of depression or trying to borrow your way out of debt
  • @MuahMan
    Man it sucks out here, social media has made 100% of all people narcissists.
  • @DonnieChoi
    All my life, since I was a little kid. I've felt unwanted and lonely. It just won't go away, but I've come to terms with it.
  • @MarvinPowell1
    "People think being alone makes you lonely, but that's not true. Being surrounded by the wrong people is the loneliest thing in the world."
  • @Nessy..
    The pandemic of loneliness is not merely a consequence of external factors; it also reflects an internal shift in societal values. Gratitude, empathy, and genuine human connections are often overshadowed by individualism and the pursuit of instant gratification. In a society that values productivity and achievement over the well-being of its members, loneliness becomes an unintended epidemic
  • @oldcrow6990
    So, it's not just me. I had no idea how widespread the problem has become. Thanks for this.
  • Ain't just the young. I'm fifty and have been alone for nearly twenty years. The first fifteen were painful, everyday empty and hopeless. Eventually, about five years ago, things went numb. I'm still lonely, but now emotions are dulled, seemingly pointless, save the tears at random times. It's depression, sure, but there's no cure when there's no connection.
  • I'm older and don't have any family close by. My lonliness drastically reduced when I got a dog, specifically, a Boxer. People were shocked to see a 70 year old lady out walking a Boxer; they were curious and stopped to talk. If you're younger, feel like you're not accepted, and can swing it, I would definitely recommend getting a dog. My baby girl got me to come out of my old lady shell.
  • I am currently suffering from severe loneliness. I’m 48 years old, have dealt with a lot of trauma from losing family members and friends, to watching my generation tear itself apart. Being a computer technician for almost 30 years now, I have played my part (albeit at a small one) In the birth of consumer Internet, the rise in technology, and the rises of social media. even though my role would be considered minuscule at best, I was still a part of the chain. Now, I am divorced, no children of my own, I go to work, I come home, and that’s it. I don’t know how to talk to other people because I don’t think they will ever understand me. I think differently, I feel differently, I think about others, and not myself. I know somethings wrong with the world, but I don’t know where to even begin to start making a difference, or a change that will help me help myself, and help others as well. Dagogo, I am so glad you worked this story. For the longest time I felt like I was alone, and that people didn’t recognize how I felt. Thank you for calling attention to this very real and very serious problem.
  • Watching this made me burst out in tears. This says a lot of what has been happening in my life.
  • 16:00 i wasn't expecting to cry when i opened this vid, but the heartfelt sadness of that young lady emptied me out.
  • @PbVeritas
    I don't feel lonely to be honest, it's quite the opposite actually, but what I found about relationships especially with long-term friends is that they very often don't grow with you as a person or in a different direction. This means that the friends you gained over the years will simply become unappealing to you and if you don't know how to make new friends, you will simply end up alone.
  • @jeanetty
    I grew up with a turtle at 10 years old. She was my best and only friend. Having a pet to care for helped the loneliness, especially since they look at you with unconditional love - or at the very least an excitement for food. Turtle was my preference because I was allergic to cats/dogs. Laid back and a long-time companion.
  • Single and lonely with chronic illness and bipolar disorder. The video was very useful