Debunking flat Earth in 1 minute

Published 2018-12-18
If I need to explain any farther than you need to go back to school and actually graduate.

All Comments (20)
  • Yea, but they get flespective, the magical version of perspective FE created where parallel line can actually cross. Btw, there two problem with them returning to school: They don't believe in school, they will tell mathematics and geometry and physic, they are all indoctrination lie. Two....even if they wanted they would not pass.
  • @texmex9721
    Keep in mind, flat Earth people do not know or care what the shape of the Earth is. None are out looking for the edge. What they are doing is seeking attention.
  • @LBBstore
    QUICK WAY TO DEBUNK A GLOBEHEAD Name one item you view in absolute size. We do not view from the side orthographic view we view in first person POV where objects converge to the eye level of the observer This is why artists draw in one point perspective to demonstrate how people see where telephone poles over a flat surface appear to get shorter just like dominoes on a table. We observe all objects in angular sizes. Globeheads measure in absolute size to disguise the angular size changes and call it curvature. Easy enough?
  • Yeaup!...and just ONE instance of the suset going down below the oceans horizon, full-angular size...not getting smaller in the distance is the visual proof. SleeingDipshit, a.k.a. Anthony Riley will claim "proximity!" whatever the phuck that means.
  • @iondonut
    Ho Hee hee hee. Just WOW! Good that your "sight" is infinite. Praise Gravity!
  • @kitcachapp3094
    You can't always see the sun ..can we see the moon?? ... so I like your point but... if the moon can disappear? Who's to say with also the sun? If you see what I mean.
  • @LBBstore
  • @LBBstore
    GLOBEHEAD MELTDOWN If celestial objects can be aligned as seen in the sky and triangulated, how is it possible the Sun does not appear aligned to the light direction emitted from the Moon in my 2nd image? Globehead model shutdown from actual reality and not a strawman drawing done in orthographic view where we see the side head of ourselves making an observation! Next...
  • @czourides
    The Earth is verifiably not a spherical ball nearly 25,000 miles in circumference. And every attempt trying to prove apparent rotation or curvature has failed. Furthermore, Weather Balloon footage taken with straight lens cameras from 110,000+ feet shows nothing but Flat Line Horizon. Spherical trigonometry dictates significant curvature from half that altitude IF the Earth were in fact a ball with the aforementioned circumference.
  • @BurrosSWE
    Globetards doing science: "durrrrrrrrrr people are as big as the sun durrrrrrrrrrrrrrr what does perspective mean durrrrrrrrrrrrrrr". What a fuckin lunatic this guy is wow, must be a crack baby.
  • @Otacon-ek4rw
    My god if you werent so ignorant & did some research you would understand why what you just stated is ridiculous -_-
  • @BurrosSWE
    PMSL this was fuckin dumb even for a globetard, you cant mix the theorys, in a flat earth model the sun is smaller and alot more local, how can someone not grasp this? And no globetard people are not superman, there is no such thing as infinite sight, your eyes are useless after a mere 10 miles.
  • @jacobshexladder
    Hahaha the fact that this idiot thinks he can determine the geometry of the object he stands on by looking at lights in the sky ... Proves his stupidity. Everything that you think you know about the sky above is based on theology. The idea that any light in the sky is an actual physical object is based on hypothesis and theoretical science. Non of which can be proven. Theories do not = proof or facts The World Record For Long Distance Photography (a 275 mile observation from a 9,272 ft peak (Pic de Finestrelles) to a 12,730 ft peak (Pic Gaspard) over water that should be anywhere from 16,502 ft (3 miles) to 23,275 ft (4 1/2 miles) below horizon based on spherical geometry) has already proven the Earth to be flat. Amateur rockets with a ceiling of 393,700 ft has proven the Earth to be flat. Weather Ballons have a ceiling around 130,000 ft., they also prove the Earth to be FLAT. Commercial airlines fly at only 40,000 ft, they also show the Earth to be flat. Nothing compares to these 3 views all showing the Earth to be flatter than a pancake.Β  If you want to talk about lights in the sky and think they prove the Earth is a globe. Let's do it. Time lapse Star trail parallax is not observed = galactic theory debunked Polaris never moves = galactic theory and the theory that Earth supposedly moves in four different directions debunked Sun and Moon are EXACTLY THE SAME SIZE. When observed both make circular revolutions above observer. The only thing telling you that the Sun is further away than the Moon is theoretical science. How do you KNOW one is further away than the other? By observation alone and not theology both are = distance from observer. Not to mention EVERYONE on Earth only ever sees ONE FLAT side of the Moon. HOW does this = observation by every person on Earth make the Moon a ball?? It doesn't, only theology can hypothesize that. oh well ... NO CURVE = THEORETICAL RADIUS OF EARTH DEBUNKED = ORBITAL SCIENCE DEBUNKED = NO THEORETICAL MAGICAL LEVITATING SPINNING BALL = GLOBE MODEL/MAP DEBUNKED = SPACE DEBUNKED = FLAT EARTH