This 2000 year old lost gospel reveals the secret teachings of Jesus (hidden knowledge)

Hidden knowledge of a 2000 year old lost gospel that reveals the secret teachings of Jesus.

Learn how the secret sayings of Jesus challenge the foundations of established religion, uncover the truth of how to pray the right way to manifest dynamic changes as outlined by renowned thought leader Gregg Braden, and dive into the heart of Gnosticism, a belief system that celebrates the pursuit of direct knowledge of the divine.

Here, you'll discover the connections between Jesus Christ's hidden teachings and the law of attraction, showcasing how ancient wisdom and the secret teachings of the Bible align with modern spirituality and alchemy. We'll explore the lost gospel of Thomas and its impact on religion, our understanding of God, and the transformative power of this knowledge that was hidden.

Free Class & Meditation (Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind) ➡️


0:00 - Mystical Insights of Jesus
2:41 - Gnosticism & the Quest for Divine Knowledge
4:01 - The Influence of Emperor Constantine on Christian Doctrine
7:02 - The Power of Thought & Emotion in Spiritual Practice (Gregg Braden)
10:58 - The Inner Light and the Journey of Self-Discovery
13:08 - Deciphering the Edited Verses: The Language of Prayer
15:53 - The Pursuit of Truth and Inner Power
22:42 - Introspection for Enlightenment

**The original Gregg Braden video source has been deleted. You can find his website at

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コメント (21)
  • @BryanKalentek
    14:40 "Ask without hidden motive and be surrounded by your answer. Be enveloped by what you desire, that your gladness be full." LOVE IT! Thank you as always for posting such profound work!
  • I grew up a practicing Catholic. I walked away from the Church a year ago after learning about the manipulation of the gospels, the removal of pertinent truths, and the distorted teachings of the Church as a means to control and manipulate the masses. Humanity has been enslaved by the Enemy and as Jesus himself experienced, so remains today, that whoever tries to spread truth to awaken humanity, is silenced or censored, or their views distorted. I am finally liberated from the enslavement of the church and continue working with these magnificent revelations in manifesting desires by breaking free of traditional thinking, to embrace these new ways of thinking and doing. Greg Braden is a great teacher, like many others, and their knowledge and guidance is incredible. We must always liberate ourselves from ALL enslavement through awareness and by embracing new practices to create new realities for ourselves. Thank you Jessica, this was excellent.
  • @teekambino
    ❤I want to start a human religion called humanity ❤
  • @Ata2d99
    So intrigued by the Gospel of Thomas. There is a reason “they” left it out of the Bible. Thanks for posting!!
  • In verse 106 of the Gospel of Thomas, the "two" is referring to "the Father" and "the Mother" as is clearly seen from the verses before. As with many spiritual traditions "the Father" refers to thought and "the Mother" refers to feeling. The head and the heart.
  • It’s a bit like saying love yourself and you’ll get everything
  • @OmMyGod888
    Two more texts, that everyone should read: one: the gospel of Mary Magdalene. They burned the first four pages because they must have said something extremely beautiful. 2: the acts of John. You will be amazed with what Jesus tells John right after the crucifixion.❤
  • @Imhim247
    Thank you so much! Much love Jessica. I asked you and you went made this video. I appreciate you most!❤🙏
  • @igatti9923
    Gregg Braden was in my town back then. It was 2007 and I didn't know anything about the topic yet. (I learnt he was there only almost 10 years later, watching a vid on YT). At that time, a very religious catholic girl tried to trap me in catholic fundamentalism, wanted to convince me of the opposite of what Gregg says. I never agreed with what she and her circle wanted to brainwash me with instinctively. I made up my mind, I cut her loose as there was no ground for keeping the friendship alive. If had been aware that such a conference was held in my country that year, I would probably have spared myself some unpleasant events. I'd have avoided her and her people much earlier without giving them second chances...only focusing on the teaching that people like Gregg and many others are now passing on to us.
  • I can't Thank you enough you are first to explain the way we won't taught RESPECT TO YOU
  • @OmMyGod888
    I’ve written two books on this gospel. It is a masterpiece. It changes you if you read it from cover to cover. The best translation is John dart and Ray Reigert. You have to ignore the commentary because it is based on traditional Christianity, and I use that term loosely, instead of metaphysics, which is the way we should be interpreting the Bible, and any other religious/holy gospels that may or may not have been found in a cave, because some brave soul risk their lives so that they wouldn’t be burned in the fires of Alexandria. Thank you, Jessica.❤
  • @lynwilson4773
    Thank you Jessica! Very illuminating and I am in the gnosticism camp of understanding! Greg Braden has a very powerful presence in my enlightenment. 💜👍🦅
  • @Cas3620
    Ok!! Once again the Divine connects us as these ideas and gifts are what I spoke of in my journal today. ❤❤❤ wow! Once again I'm blown away. I love that Greg Braden revealed this to us and those of us who got to hear and see this information and accept it are truly awakening more and more. Thank you, Jessica! Thank you for your beautiful explanations. Thanks Be to God within! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
  • @uncletony6210
    "When you make the two, one..." The "two" are the ego and the True Self (God within). Atonement (at-ONE) occurs only when we remove the ego and become at-one with God within. And in so doing, we CAN "move mountains."
  • The kingdom of God is within you.... what are you waiting for? Bring that which is within you out, that all may live.
  • Gnosis = Being aware of being aware. The Light of Wisdom and Understanding dispels the darkness of ignorance and folly. "Be-hold That which is (Reality/Life) = That I am." "I am (Life) is come that you might have Life and have it more abundantly." By definition there can be only one all-inclusive or Absolute Being (Life), in which all relative beings live, move and have their Being. Love is the recognition of our shared Being.