10 Worst Airliner Landings | Pilot Ryan Reacts

Publicado 2022-04-17
Some airline landings are so bad, they make your stomach churn. From pilots who can't seem to get the aircraft on the ground in one piece to planes that skid off the runway, these are the worst airliner landings ever in aviation history. Buckle up for a bumpy ride!

#aviation #airlinelanding #worstlanding

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Watching this makes me nervous about my son wanting to be a pilot, but I’m willing to pay for lessons when he’s old enough so that he knows what to do in rough conditions.
  • As a private pilot I learned the virtues of aborting a bad approach and going around. I never seemed to be able to save a bad or otherwise dangerous approach with maneuvering violence in the last 50 feet, so I came to respect the commercial pilots that did the same. Once in a final approach of a SW 737 coming in to Dallas Love (DAL), the aircraft was struck by a blast of turbulent air just as we crossed the threshold of the runway. The pilot struggled with it for a few seconds but then quickly aborted the landing, apologized to the passengers, and went around. He might have been embarrassed that he couldn't ace the landing, but he was an instant hero in my opinion.
  • @colemcleod941
    The 4th one, the twin turboprop yawing pretty wild, touched down beautifully, perfect flare while crabbing into straightening out - the landing was, after getting a real bad feeling watching him come in - pretty damned impressive. That was rough and gusty crosswind he handled. I think it should be in a praising video entitled 'Difficult Landings Aced'
  • @j_m_b_1914
    Really glad I found your channel and subscribed! I'm catching up on your videos and really love the content. Thanks and fly safe!
  • @Blondie77128
    Hi there, totally loving this channel 👍🏻 I’ve experienced hard landings before, one flight in particular with Lufthansa arriving in Dusseldorf from Newark, NJ. This was in December and in Germany, Rhineland winters tend be wet and rainy. Now I understand better why the pilot “slammed” us down upon landing if the concern was potential risk of hydroplaning. Never forget that one, bam we have arrived 😉
  • @mpojr
    the last landing reminded me of my Harley on a wet street.
  • @freq32
    Airbus nearly smacked a wing.. jeez I bet the passengers loved that ride.
  • @wadeboothe4397
    The first 747 is what it looks like when Navy pilots first start training for their ATP. I saw many come through our school in Pikeville,NC. They flair and drop power, that fucks up struts on aircraft not made to slam on a boat deck.
  • @Hamlet-wp2ri
    My first and only experience in a (Lufthansa) 747 was when I was 12 years old, I’ll never forget the awe 🫢 I was in when I first saw it thru the huge glass windows at the airport, it was when we migrated from Germany to the US. To this day I’m in awe of the Boeing 747 JJ, to me it’s the most beautiful/sexiest jet flying. The Queen of the sky!
  • @glennwatson
    With the second video, when I was learning to do crosswind landings I definitely would get overloaded and get the crab/rudder/aileron setup and then would just be late flaring so can appreciate the task saturation.
  • @bjjman95
    8:55 I definitely thought his nose wheel was about to collaps.
  • @Mors_Inimicis
    That AN124 was doing a great impression of a wheelbarrow !😱 Great video and commentary 👍🏻
  • @markspencer4246
    #7 looks like me parking the old man's Cordova for the first time...... not a scratch on it!
  • #10: Airframe needs frame inspected #9: Has some passengers with neckpain #8: people will cancel next flights #7: 55 barf bags were collected #6: Everyone one was glad the bumpy ride as ended. That was "Butter" #5: Name of the company been changed from Silkway #4: Good Recovery and decent landings. #3: "Tokyo Drift" music playing #2: Faceplant into the chair #1: "Drift Kid" Showd up and took everyone on a nausiating ride.
  • @robertcanup4473
    Flying into Yakoda Air base, on my way to Vietnam from Alaska, in a 707. I notice we are circling the field. I think to my self "Planes don't normally circle a field after flying across the Pacific ocean, somebody must be in trouble." At this time the pilot's voice comes over the intercom, "As I'm sure you all know, we blew at least one tire taking off from Anchorage." Of course none of us had the faintest idea that had happened. The thought then crossed my mind "Gee, I wonder what kind of pilot flies for Seaboard World Airlines?" The answer was, a damn fine one, he greased that landing in so smoothly that I couldn't even feel the touchdown, the wheels didn't even squeal, but slowly spun up as he applied weight to them. Only when the flat started vibrating could I tell we were down. Wish I'd had my camera, there was a great picture of the pilot looking at the flat, after we all got off the plane.
  • @braddsn
    At 6:48.. only one thrust reverser deployed? (Starboard engine) I didn't know they ever split thrust reversers... interesting!
  • @Guspech750
    Yep. The 747 is picture perfect. The A380 looks like an oddball cargo plane. But the wings do look a bit wicked though.
  • @TrebledPiper
    Wow! Some of them were definitely interesting landings but the last two had me sucking up the chair cushion! I was lucky enough to get a catapult shot and arrested landing in a C-2 COD on the Kitty Hawk. It was intense simply because of the G forces but the most hard core landing was when I was in a P-3 squadron landing in Bermuda with "interesting" winds. We landed so hard that I was questioning whether my kidney popped out on the runway 😄. I'm really enjoying your channel. Keep it up!