Where Do Deleted Files Go?

Published 2013-07-20
Follow Michael Stevens for neat things every day! www.Twitter.com/tweetsauce

MUSIC BY:    / jakechudnow  

final song is "Midnight Sound" by Gareth Johnson / David O'Brien
from: www.audionetwork.com/

Lost silent films: www.silentera.com/lost/index.html

Wonders of the Ancient World: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Wonders_of_the_Ancient…

What have we lost forever?


snapchat: www.snapchat.com/

Lenin and Trotsky doctored photos: www.tc.umn.edu/~hick0088/classes/csci_2101/false.h…

Archived person-removal-service site: web.archive.org/web/20060212134125/http://www.digi…

Google Ngram tool: books.google.com/ngrams

links to info about digital file deletion:


Melanie Willhide glitched photos (NSFW): www.slate.com/blogs/behold/2013/01/09/melanie_will…

Electronic waste dumps in Africa: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agbogbloshie

Paper-shredding: www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/explainer…

UNSHREDDER: www.unshredder.com/www/407/1001127/default.asp

Iranian reassembly of documents: www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-16036967

HEAT DEATH: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_death_of_the_universe

HEAT DEATH button on etsy: www.etsy.com/listing/58392676/ask-me-about-the-hea…

entropy: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy

"The Last Question" by Issac Assimov: www.thrivenotes.com/the-last-question/

bleached flags on moon: www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/ApolloFlags-Condition.html

All Comments (21)
  • @madmanpecos
    “Where do deleted files go?” Eight minutes later “We surrender the fact that our species will eventually be DELETED from the universe”
  • @-tweeomoz-1786
    The kid who’s Minecraft world got erased needs to see this
  • @654jimbob654
    I used to work in IT security for a large company and another method used to wipe data from drives was degaussing. This was where an electromagnetic pulse was used to demagnetise the hard drive or tape, effectively wiping the data. Even this wasn't considered completely secure however and was usually just the first stage of the destruction process, with the degaussed drives then being shredded anyway. The disposal company we used could shred drives so the resulting scraps were only 2mm thick. This still doesn't technically mean that the data still couldn't be retrieved but even those enterprising people in Ghana would have a hard time extracting anything of value from those scraps. Of course, the less sexy but more practical method of data security was just to have a strict policy of forbidding any data containing customer or payment information to be stored locally on employee PCs, drastically reducing the amount of physical storage equipment that actually held sensitive data. I'll get in contact with my former colleagues and let them know that the heat death of the universe is also an effective method of data security.
  • @minheritance
    "dad where do deleted files go" "...Our sun becomes a red giant and swallows the Earth whole"
  • @duckertracker
    ”Every time something happens, a little energy is lost” Energy doesn’t get lost at any point, it just changes its form according to the first law of thermodynamics.
  • @YesOkayButWhy
    Michael, you madman. You had so many chances to end this video on a mindblowing note, but you just kept kickin' up more vibes.
  • @dayoki8091
    "i gotta delete my search history fast" sun: gotcha bruh
  • @woahitsstultus
    I wasn't prepared to have an existential crisis, I just wanted to know where deleted files go.
  • @sukhilassoi
    Even after a decade of release, these videos still looks more informative than today's....
  • I love how he gives us hope in "But we got to the moon" and then instantly takes it
  • @Hanzel06
    Q: Where do deleted files go? A: The end of the universe is inevitable
  • @BajkonurBobby
    Such a good script. The twists and turns... and in the end it turns out we were going steadily forward the whole time.
  • Vsauce: Talking about what happens with deleted files Also Vsauce minutes later: Talks about the heath death of the universe
  • @hunterc8943
    How did we go from deleting files to the end of the universe in 10 minutes
  • @Gabowsk
    On this episode, we had: - Files - Stalin - Department of Defense - Programs - Sun - EXISTENTIAL CRISIS
  • I wish every teacher was as passionate and good at teaching as you! Amazing video!
  • This went from how to delete files to physics to the heat death to entropy to the secret to life and finnally michael asking rather philosophical questions. Early 2010s michael was wild.