You Know My Heart (Solo Piano) - Anthony Greninger

Luke 16: 14-15 "The Pharisees, who were lovers of money, heard all these things, and ridiculed him. And he said to them, "You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God."

I wrote this song expressing that God knows my heart in everything that I do. And as I sit here and think about my actions, I fall short knowing that many things that I do, tends to be aimed towards benefiting myself. This is the area I feel Satan likes to twist Gods words around to make it look as if you are a terrible person for wanting to be successful in order to be able to support yourself. It's not wrong to want good things in life, what you need to ask yourself though, are you putting those desires above God? Do you seek other people's opinions and approvals above God? I was seeking out the worlds views over God's midway through my music career and I saw the negative effect it had over me when trying to create something new. I was trying to impress others while appearing to be so holy and I just couldn't live up to it and it came crashing down on me.
I've learned that our body's are in a constant fight with our spirits which God knows and has exposed it in many times in the bible, so that we can be aware of our sins. We struggle through this life and so it doesn't matter what someone else thinks about you, whether they believe you are sinning on purpose or sinning by accident. The world harshly judges the outside, but our Lord God sees through it all. The pain, the fights, the tears, the regret, the shame, the guilt, the hope to stand and fight again to be like Christ. So God knows you inside and out and He Loves you. You have been forgiven through Jesus Christ and God will always encourage you to keep standing back up and try again. Just as he leaves the flock of sheep to find the one who gone astray. He knows your heart ,and he knows your capabilities. Don't let the enemy make you feel like you can't do because that's how he gets you to fall away from God. Always have hope that one day you will be able to overcome the burden that tries to lead you away from God.

Love you all and God bless you. I hope everyone is doing well.

Artwork: Was Ai Generated

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コメント (10)
  • @giga27beast82
    I'm not a Christian, but I love your music. Its beautiful and I respect your talent and hard work put into making. Thanks for sharing.
  • So peaceful ❤ you should do a whole album like this. Love the caption too.
  • This is yet another masterpiece. Not only is this a blessing but You are a blessing. PTL.
  • A wonderful piece once again. Thank you also for your caption, as this is something I am just now starting to learn. So very thankful for His love as we earnestly seek Him and His will! So very thankful the Lord is using your gift as a musician to speak and play into our lives.
  • @hidan125
    Amen! Loved this piece and the messenge behind it! Wish I could learn it to play it at church ❤ God Bless 🙏🏽