All The Basement Tapes - Yandere Simulator

All The Basement Tapes - Yandere Simulator

すべての地下テープ-Yandere Simulator

Ryoba Aishi & Ayano's Father


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Yandere Simulator is an upcoming stealth action video game currently in development by YandereDev. The game centers upon an obsessively lovesick schoolgirl named Ayano Aishi, also known as "Yandere-chan" after the Japanese term "yandere", who has taken it upon herself to eliminate anyone she believes is monopolizing her crush's attention. Over the course of ten weeks, Ayano will eliminate ten different rivals in order to ensure that her crush, Senpai, will not fall for the other girls.

Players control Ayano Aishi (nicknamed Yandere-chan), an apathetic Japanese high school girl who has developed a crush on a fellow student Taro Yamada, nicknamed "Senpai". Over the course of ten in-game weeks, ten other students will attempt to form a relationship with Senpai, and Ayano must prevent them from doing so.

Due to her yandere nature, this can be accomplished by the player through a diverse array of methods ranging from peaceful to violent, including matchmaking, befriending, betrayal, gossip, expulsion, frameup, kidnapping, electrocution, crushing, poisoning, drowning, burning, homicide, faked suicide, incited suicide, murder–suicide after torture, and other rival-specific elimination methods, as well as simple elimination methods using various weapons seen throughout the game, such as a kitchen knife, circularsaw, a baseball bat, and katana. Throughout the game, Ayano can receive aid from an information broker calling herself "Info-chan", who provides her with weapons, plans, items, and other favors in exchange for panty shots, information and blackmail material.

Ayano must also avoid being witnessed while performing criminal activities or suffer penalties, such as loss in reputation that makes it harder for other students to trust her, diminishing sanity that discourages Senpai and hinders ability to carefully carry out crime, to an immediate game over by being caught by Senpai for acting suspiciously around him, being caught in the act of a crime by him, or being apprehended by students or a teacher. Murdering students can result in penalties to "School Atmosphere", which alters NPC behavior to become more suspicious and riddled with anxiety, demonstrated by actions such as locking their lockers. During this time, she can join school clubs and attend classes to receive additional abilities such as easy access to weapons, increased abilities to avoid suspicion, or easy access to other items.

The developer defines the current state of Yandere Simulator as a "playable debug sandbox build". This means that not all features are currently implemented. The final game will contain six modes: Story Mode, the base game; 1980s Mode, a prequel to the base game; Endless Mode, a never-ending version of the base game; Custom Mode, a customizable version of the base game; Pose Mode, in which players may pose their favorite characters; and Mission Mode, in which Ayano completes missions for Info-chan.

Yandere Simulatorは、YandereDevによって現在開発中のステルスアクションビデオゲームです。ゲームは、「ヤンデレ」という日本語の名前の後に「ヤンデレちゃん」とも呼ばれる、愛情あふれる女子高生綾乃という名前の女子高生に集中しています。 10週間にわたって、Ayanoはクラッシュした先輩が他の女の子のために落ちないことを確実にするために10の異なるライバルを排除するでしょう。


彼女のヤンデレ性のために、これは平和的なものから暴力的なものまで、マッチメイキング、仲間入り、裏切り、ゴシップ、追放、フレームアップ、誘拐、感電、破砕、中毒、溺死、焼却など、幅広い方法でプレイヤーが達成できます。殺人、自殺詐欺、自殺扇動、拷問後の殺人 - 自殺、およびその他の対戦相手に固有の排除方法、ならびにゲーム全体を通して見られる様々な武器を使用した簡単な排除方法(包丁、丸鋸、野球用バット、およびカタナなど) 。ゲーム中、アヤノは自分自身を "Info-chan"と呼ぶ情報ブローカーから援助を受けることができます。彼はパンティーショット、情報および脅迫資料と引き換えに武器、計画、アイテム、およびその他の恩恵を彼女に提供します。

アヤノはまた、犯罪活動を行っている間に目撃されたり、他の学生が自分を信頼することを難しくし、先輩を落胆させたり、慎重に犯罪を遂行する能力を妨げたりするような評判の喪失などのペナルティを受けることを避けなければならない彼の周りで不審に行動するために先輩に捕まった、彼によって犯罪の行為に巻き込まれた、または学生や教師に逮捕された。生徒を殺害すると、 "School Atmosphere"に罰が科せられることがあります。これは、NPCの行動をより疑わしくなり、ロッカーをロックするなどの行動によって不安を和らげることができます。この間、彼女は学校のクラブに参加してクラスに参加し、武器への容易なアクセス、疑惑を回避するための能力の向上、または他の項目への容易なアクセスなどの追加の能力を受け取ることができます。

開発者はYandere Simulatorの現在の状態を「再生可能なデバッグサンドボックスビルド」として定義します。これは、すべての機能が現在実装されているわけではないことを意味します。最終的なゲームは6つのモードを含みます:ストーリーモード、ベースゲーム。 1980年代のモード、ベースゲームの前編。エンドレスモード、ベースゲームの終わりのないバージョン。カスタムモード、基本ゲームのカスタマイズ可能なバージョン。ポーズモード。プレイヤーは自分の好きなキャラクターをポーズできます。アヤノはInfo-chanのミッションを完了します。


Recording Software: Bandicam (

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コメント (21)
  • I love it when he said "I hope not" about their daughter getting a boyfriend. My mans getting flash backs!
  • It's kinda crazy. Ryoba kidnapped this guy and kept him forever. The man still doesn't love her, but loves his child so he doesn't want to leave.
  • @vex-xiao
    so I guess Ryoba made her senpai a mindslave type, that's why her senpai's voices were so calm
  • @abio6101
    the fact that she moaned when he said her name-
  • In tape 1 he's voice sounded so normal like a high schooler but then he hit puberty twice in tape 10. XD
  • In the passifist route there should be an ending where Ayano can actually win senpais heart and not kidnap him
  • ayano’s father is funny as hell 😭😭 those small snarky comments he makes
  • In conclusion, Ayano's father, Mr. Aishi, had Stockholm syndrome, which is what was kidnapped falling in love with the kidnapper, is a serious psychological state. And probably the other tapes from 2 to 9 are kept, not for Ayano's sake, but for her mother's sake so as not to remind her husband of all the torture
  • if any other student walked through the hallway and heard those tapes, you best bet the Japanese Military would have armored trucks outside Ryoba’s home
  • I really hated the part when she moaned when her DARLING said her first name XD
  • "Ryoba-chan...if you love shouldn't kidnap them and tie them into a chair!" I mean, he's not wrong though.
  • I really hope in the 2-9 tapes, Ryoba will find different excuses for Ayano's father dissapearence because even though he was an ,,average student " i am pretty sure his parents are looking for him. I am so excited to see those tapes!!!
  • Ryoba: Get in the plane, darling! We're going stalking! Yes, that's a mean girls reference.
  • Okay theory time!! though Ryoba had to make sure Ayano's dad was 100% not getting away from her, I do think I have a reason why. Since it's been 3 decades, Ryoba completely trusts Ayano. I think that something was triggered inside him to get him to escape. This is why he went down to the basement to get the old tapes. For evidence! This is also shown when Ryoba says "Did you get nostalgic for the good old days?" He replies with " I suppose you could say that..." I don't think Ayano's dad got stockholm syndrome and he wasn't mind broken either, on the wiki, (and I think the yandere simulator characters page on the website) Ryoba felt bad that her father was mindbroken, so she didn't want to do the same. Then again, there are a few holes to my theory, but its the only thing I think that could explain why he went to get the tapes!
  • @m1c4ela14
    5:24 “It depends on how fast I can track him down” In the “mysterious tapes” i listened to in the game The investigator was talking about Ayano’s mom’s murders (sorry if I spelled some things wrong, I don’t speak English well) The murders are exactly like Ayano did, stalking a boy, killing the girls and murdering them, that’s the point At the last tape the investigator (in which, I think is Info Chan’s dad (THEORY) and I’ll explain if someone asks) The investigator explains in a panic that Ayano’s mom spotted him (the dude was basically watching her every move and following her to get proof to the police to arrest her) and explains something along the lines of “I need to leave to a new town- no- a new country” he most likely moved to America, that’s why Ayano’s mom said “we’re going to America! It depends on how long it can take to track him down” Ayano’s mom is trying to get the investigator is basically what I’m trying to say I’m sorry if this comment seems confusing so if someone asks I’ll try to explain it easier
  • the fact that mr aishi/jokichi and senpai are both voiced by the same dude (austin hively, who is brilliant in the roles, by the way) makes it all the more eerier