Mac DeMarco on his return to the UK, protecting his purity, giving up cigarettes and new music

Publicado 2023-08-08

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @LOL-cringe
    got into mac for the crusty lo-fi pop songs, the silly substance-influenced attitude… stuck around for the hi-fi earthbound soundtrack outtakes & sober-headed discussions on being yourself. feel like i’m growing up with this guy
  • @T.I.L.P
    Glad to see Mac so happy & healthy. Personally I loved One Wayne G and buzzing to see Mac doing more interviews.
  • @Mybe-Tmrw
    How lucky is this guy that he put him self in a position where he can make what he wants and not even need to make a statement about it 😂 love you Mac ❤️
  • @alkhemikalsun
    been a fan of his since 2015. super cool to see him stay true to himself
  • @BrandonBriers
    26:32 "I did that and now I don't have to do it anymore" a nice way to think of sobriety or quitting smoking/ drugs
  • @yawner1154
    I like that Mac still rocks the 5-panel hat, the classic vans, the double front pants, the tied hoodie strings. He started that trend back in like 2014 so it’s nice to see him staying true to it even after the copycats have moved on. He’s a real dude and he always was.
  • @Eternity909
    Saw him on the Monday. Fucking great atmosphere and performance. The man can win over an audience even playing material that not everyone was a big fan of.
  • @jared_magana
    i was feeling awful before watching this interview but idk just listening to mac talk and how he is enjoying all that he is doing right now he just gave hopes and motivation to continuing with my stuff idk who cares about this i just wanted to say it mac voice is so soothing great he is doing so good and i hope i can see him live one day if he comes to san diego
  • @josephorossi
    So cool to see mac doing all of these interviews lately.
  • @jdhathrisen
    I loved the hackney show the other week, he looked like he was having fun.
  • @tiltead0319
    love this guy, glad hes doing fine even if a little different. Hope to not die without seeing him live, come back to argentina at least once mac, ill make sure to get tickets no matter what
  • I really love the fact that Mac is taking a break from songwriting/producing. I’m more of a hobbiest weekend warrior typa guy but you definitely need to take a break from writing songs to load up the experience bank
  • @OwenAllRound
    I once met this man when I was a teenager in Bangkok airport of all places. Mac was eating a pizza he’d bought with a couple of his associates/friends as I walked into the restaurant. Took me around 3 seconds as we locked eyes before realising who he was as he winked at me. Froze in total disbelief. I suppose that the wink was something of his invitation to approach, and as I did my mind was racing with a whirlwind of thoughts on what to say. The glib conversation must have lasted around 3 minutes or so but it seemed like hours as I churned out words of admiration, without trying to seem overly zealous. Ended up with him offering for a photo - totally cool guy. Afterwards I sat down with our backs oppositely facing, trying not to disturb him anymore before he left around 20 mins thereafter. Mac, I’m still a fan and thank you!
  • @ShinySuperB0wzer
    I listen to one Wayne g all the time it’s the perfect interlude music to take a break from other genres
  • @fredrikh3547
    Discovered this gem of a bloke just over a week ago. Awesome guy, great musician.
  • @hipster-doofus
    Man, I've been a fan of Mac for about 10 years and it's wild seeing him like this. I'm so used to seeing him smoke and talk about getting fucked up. It seems like he's really living his best life right now. Happy for him.
  • @maiqtheliar_
    One Wayne G is the proof this guy makes music every single day, very dedicated to his craft