Why You Should Fast | Understanding The Power Of Fasting

Published 2021-03-08
►Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network
►Music licensed through Artlist.io
►Footage licensed through Filmpac.com and Storyblocks
►Animation: Tino Hove
►Writer: David Kolawole

All scripture animations are derived from the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV)

Our purpose, when making these videos, is to make quality educational motivational videos and share these with our viewers.

Note: We own copyright to the footages and background music used in this video.


Title: THE POWER OF FASTING | Understanding The Power Of Fasting

The prayers are located at the end of the video.



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Our work is original and drastically rearranged with unique editing to bring the best from the message. Creative effects are added to highlight certain areas in the message. when there are two or more speakers it is done in a conversational manner meaning they complete each other sentences while staying on topic, intermittent sampling is also applied.

All Comments (21)
  • I was delivered from depression after a 3 day water fast. On the third day of the fast I said spirit of depression come out of me in Jesus name and then I forced myself to cough. First cough and second cough was my breath, but the third cough was demonic breath and I cough out depression. I have never had it again. That was years ago, all glory to God in Jesus name! Deliverance and fasting works!
  • @nartehdennis953
    After waiting for 3 months to get a job , one morning I decided to fast and pray I got the job the same day after the fast🙏 God is the greatest
  • @90sromantic1
    Love God. Whoever is reading this God is going to heal your wounds and scars Trust Him for there is nothing impossible Amen.
  • @sarah_1488
    Fasting healed me from a sexual addiction and delivered me from the Jezebel spirit. God revealed to me that I was operating under that spirit after feeling so condemned while I was in that lifestyle. It was as if I had no control over it and something was pushing me to commit these immoral acts. After I fasted, the desire went away and I am 4 months into my abstinence and I have zero desire to do anything. Fasting is a powerful spiritual tool, just sharing my testimony and hope it speaks to someone. Be encouraged!
  • @amol509
    My Testimony... We were married for 3 years but we still had no child then I fasted and prayed for 21 days after which God gave us a beautiful son. His name is Jeremiah. 😇❤ God is good all the time
  • In 2019 I fasted for 3 Days Straight without any food or water.. i was just praying and worship and confessing all my sins and humble myself before God. Didn't ask for anything in particular. After that 3 Days of Fasting, I ended up meeting my now husband few days later by coincidence at a parking lot. My husband, he's an amazing man of God and I can testify how he's really the one from God for me.
  • Fasting is definitely amazing. I fasted and prayed fall of last year and I ended up getting 12 months of free rent. I didn’t ask for that specifically but I guess when you draw closer to God, ….”all things are added” Edit: I prayed again and the Lord gave me 6 more months recently :). God is sooo good and there is power in the name of JESUS. I love Jesus so much and he never ever ever fails me
  • Last week during my fasting,I prayed to God to reveal himself to me,that very night the heaven opened it self,I saw angels coming to me,told m ann we are here, I was all scared and started trembling due to the bright light of thier bodies. What a great experience.
  • @zealheals
    I fasted in 2020 and my mom was freed of breast cancer and breakthroughs came for both of us out of poverty.
  • @kylerelleve3038
    Fasting is a way to elevate you're spirit to communicate to God !
  • @LovableMe137
    In 2019 I was laid off with a severance package. God was sooooo good and He made sure I lacked nothing! He also blessed me with a contract job I never interviewed for. Before the contract ended, God led me to do the Esther Fast 3 days and on the 2nd day I got an offer letter for A MUCH BETTER FULL TIME JOB! Jesus answers prayers guys don’t ever give up
  • @PamelaAgoro
    Honestly there is power in fasting, I remember fasting last year for 21days, honestly I saw God's power over my life I had a sick mum who was suffering from cervical cancer, we had no money no job even food , my mum was in alot of pain, I thank God that he brought destiny helpers and we manage to take our mum to hospital and she is doing well in Jesus name
  • Am loving all the testimonies am seeing in the comment section ❤..... Glory to God indeed 🙏🏾
  • @terrytrizah9216
    This is my day 2 of fasting. I'm fasting for 7 days. I'm trusting God for Spiritual breakthrough, financial breakthrough, thanksgiving and trusting God for a Husband. I'll come back here with a testimony
  • @sunflower5741
    I am fasting as of today to be delivered from unforgiveness and heal from all the hurt and torment.
  • I was delivered of devil's oppression when I fasted and prayed with evangelist Fernando Perez, I can't not forget how God delivered me from the spirit of death. Thank you Jesus.
  • @juneannis7763
    I tried once and I was given a gift of preaching the word of God
  • @robrob4730
    Fasting is definitely not my favorite spiritual discipline, but those benefits are awesome. Set your heart upon Lord.
  • God led me to fast . This is my day two. I’ve seen and received miracles a day before and on the first day already. Glory be to God.
  • Amen. I fasted for 3days dry n God gave me a salary increment and gave me some instructions. In the vision, I found myself asking him"who're u? "Bt deep inside me, I felt I was speaking to the Holy spirit. Then he told me"I AM GOD ETERNAL" n i felt so good n fresh. I smiled the whole day. Up to today, i can still remember his voice. It feels so good to hear God call your name. I was struggling with secular music and reading novels bt all went when I fasted. These days I ask myself what was gaining my attention in those songs n immoral literature I was reading. 🤔🤔🤔. I also received a gift of praying in Tongues. 🙏🙏🙏 Trust me, that fast wasn't easy coz I was working while on a dry fast n at work, I had no day offs bt God was faithful. I could feel my knees almost giving way bt I pushed on. Fasting is a sacrifice. He has now instructed me to do a Daniel fast n I am warming up for it. Am supper excited. Am here to encourage somebody that when you fast and focus on God, he won't leave u the same.