How to Grow Beans in Pots or Buckets (Even in Small Spaces)

Published 2022-07-16
In this video, you'll learn how to grow lots of beans in containers at home even in small spaces! By following our step-by-step container bean grow guide, you'll be harvesting bumper crops of pole or bush beans in no time!

Beans are one of the best ways to get more food and more nutrition out of your garden, and this easy container bean growing tutorial will help you get started in no time! By following our tips, you'll be able to produce extra food even on a terrace or balcony container garden.

We’ll cover container bean topics like:

1. How to select a variety of bean (bush vs. pole)
2. Timing and Preparation
3. Container Types for your beans and where to put them
4. Soil and fertilizer requirements for container grown green beans
5. Pollination and Harvest Tips

And much more!

Written article version of this video if you'd rather read than watch:…

Equipment You Might Need
Fabric Grow Bags -
Organic Vegetable Fertilizer -…
Chinese Noodle Beans -
Rattlesnake beans -
Nylon net trellis -

Image Attributions
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All Comments (11)
  • I really enjoyed this video…so much information! I subscribed and will tell my gardening friends. Keep up the good work!!
  • Not relevant to pots but if you're growing in ground I plant my corn 2-4 weeks before my climbing beans. Plant some beans in-between the corn. As the corn grows and they climb as the corn grows. Great idea to use sunflowers! Never even crossed my mind! Awesome
  • I enjoyed your presentation. Direct and fun. But I would say when I look for videos on specific veggies I would also like topics included such as starting mix recommendations ( which you included), possible amendments to the starting soil, what types of fertilizer recommend as well as a feeding schedule (how much), possible pest/ disease identification and prevention, harvesting tips, seed saving tips. Also any different recommendations between container and in ground for each topic. This could be one complete guide per veggie or a series of shorter videos saved as a playlist per veggie. It's alot to ask for but I think we have a lot of new gardeners out there recently and I would love to go to a channel with complete guides instead of broken up incomplete videos where your left looking through more channels to get a specific answer. Plus you can always add new videos included per playlist with additional findings or slight changes that you now recommend by learning yourself. Thank you either way for the video.
  • Yard long beans also seem to produce a small harvest in just 40-50 days in my climate. Tropics close to the equator.
  • @hlthnut77
    Wonderful video! Question, I’m in zone 5 and am starting to winter sow in jugs to get a head start on my vegetable garden. Would green beans do well with this? I’m currently planting Blue Lake pole beans. Thanks!
  • Another helpful video. Rattlesnake beans are my go to pole bean. They're great fresh as a green bean, a dry bean and I also save the seed. I was just thinking about beans in grow bags. I currently plant Rattlesnake beans in my raised bed on cattle panels (3 foot tepee) and they grow over the top and down the other side. I plan to plant bush beans in grow bags this year. Since they don't need premium soil can I use last year's soil which I have in a tote and would you suggest that I amend it not. Great tip on extending the harvest by planting seeds next to existing vines. That'll save alot of space since I have planted another separate area.
  • @reria2655
    What an amazing video! I have a question and I hope you can answer it. What do you think about making beans germinate before putting them directly into the soil? (For example, taking three or four beans, soaking them in water for 6 hours, then taking them out and placing them into a paper towel inside a zipper bag). Thanks so much for your video!
  • @AjArpopP52
    Great video! I just put bush beans out in my grow bag a few days ago. I’ve never grown them before so this video answered a lot of my questions. So glad I found your channel! I have an unrelated question for you regarding my Roma tomato plant. I put my plant in a 5 gallon grow bag with a good organic container soil. I put peat moss, worm castings, and bone meal. I have watered pretty regularly and fed Neptune’s Harvest tomato/veg and also Neptune’s Harvest fish emulsion. I noticed two days ago that they Roma’s that are developing are getting blossom end rot. Should I just get rid of the plant or is there a way of saving it?