Dear Mark, Mr. Rober (Full Video)

Published 2023-04-28
Update: Mark Rober's team has now credited me in their videos. We did it!! I was contacted by a producer for Mark who apologized and offered to retroactively credit me for the past videos as well as offered credit for any future use of my music in Mark Rober videos.

Original description below:

I wrote and released a royalty-free song, asking only for credit in exchange for use. Mark Rober used my song but gave no credit. :(

Tag @MarkRober in the comments if you think artists deserve credit for their work. :)

Full Story
In 2016, I was asked to make a video for someone featuring sped-up footage with the song Yakety Sax, the so-called Benny Hill theme, but it can't be used without permission. I made a song that captured the vibe of Yakety Sax, but that we could use for the video, legally.

I released the song under the name "Circus Minute" on my website for free and only ask that people link back to my post and credit me. Many people have used my song and they usually post the link and credit my name in the video description.

In 2022 and 2023, some people told me Mark Rober used my song in his videos. I was so excited. He's very smart and creative, the videos are family-friendly and entertaining. I was thrilled to hear that he used my music, that's a big win for a small artist like me!

When I went to the videos, I found that I wasn't credited. I reached out to Mark but never heard back.

So far, I've heard my song in two of Mark Rober's videos:

GlitterBomb Payback @ 12:17

Bed Bugs @ 6:48

So, I wrote this song on behalf of all artists (big and small) to say our art has value. And if someone uses another person's art in their own creative work, or even business endeavor, the original artist deserves credit.

Mark, if you are reading this, I still think you have great content, and fantastic taste in music! :)

Production Notes
I think this song is in the "indie folk" genre, if that is a thing.

@MoBachh laid down the piano part. I did the rest of the instruments. The mandolin was fun to play in this tune and really sells the vibe I was going for.

My favorite part of the video is when the wind kicks up during the chorus. God knew I needed some stage effects. The wind was cold, but worth it. :)

Work has been kicking my butt and preventing me from recording songs and videos. I had to steal some time back to get this finished. Thanks to all of you who stuck around!

#musicalcomedy #funny #funnysongs #comedysong

All Comments (5)
  • @fluffsquirrel
    The song in question was the very song I had stuck in my head! I'm sorry to hear that Mark Rober didn't credit you, this is a very good song and you deserve to be credited and paid for your effort. Best of luck reaching out to Mark and getting the recognition. ALSO I noticed the song in his Wiffleball video during the game when the bases started driving randomly. I'll search for the timestamp and add it as a reply later.
  • @ladylauramal
    Sorry this happened to you, it's probably an oversight, but definitely needs to be fixed. I can't seem to tag him
  • @skellie1234
    Have you thought that he got the music from somewhere else