Blue whale devoured alive by 75 orcas off coast of Australia

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A 16-metre long blue whale was devoured alive by 75 hungry orcas off the west coast of Australia. The three-hour wildlife battle was captured on March 16, 2021, when 40 people went on a whale-watching tour.

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コメント (21)
  • @KNGexp
    The Blue Whale didn't die for nothing. It showed a resilient resistance towards 75 predators & lasted 3 hours! That's a true warrior spirit.
  • @riddell74
    Fighting 3-hours against 75 orcas puts you in a rare class of living creature… probably the most tough thing I’ve ever seen.
  • Amazing isn't it? How nature can be both oh-so-beautiful and terrifying at the same time...
  • Imagine killer whales with newfound taste for humans that would be alot scarier than sharks.
  • The Whale was probably sick, old or both..a fit Blue Whale could dive to depths of 2000 mtrs and hold its breath for over 2 hours the Orcas could not match that.
  • The pain this blue whale must feel for even a brief moment to be eaten alive is just astounding I realize it’s mother nature taking its course it’s just a brutal thing to witness 😳 🥺 😒 😞 😢
  • @AdiC20
    I love how the video is discussing about how 75 animals devoured another one while playing the most soothing music ever
  • @Blitzkit
    there were lots of things to mention 1. blue whale was resilient 2. counting 75 orcas while they go up and down the ocean is an astounding feat (but if there's tags to determine them then yeah still awesome) 3. this is a rare occasion by our eyes/cameras, but it's probably not a rare event, there might be orca hunting again happening as I'm typing this. we really don't know what's happening underwater.
  • The ocean is so vast that you can't really say that this kind of predation is rare. It might be happening every single day.
  • Friends: Why don't you think killer whales are cute? Me: I have my reasons.
  • @darkprose
    It’s not being “devoured alive,” at least not in any of this footage. The killer whales are attempting to drown it.
  • imagine how it looked underwater....😨 just gives me the shivers thinking about it.
  • Killer whales stay in close knitted pods with a matriarch being the head of the family. So rn you just saw this orca family swim up to a blue whale and miss granny was like "ok time for dinner kids"
  • They were called a killer whale for a reason... They also attack sharks too
  • That was a raid boss. Surprising the Orca raid leader was able to organize such a large team.
  • @saitele
    Amazing how such a scene was captured. Props to the cameramen!