Qigong's First Consciousness Lab - Mariana de la Vega

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Meditation practitioner and university lecturer, Mariana de la Vega, was always in search of answers about human existence. Taoist principles, ancient texts and passages were among the materials she studied. Buddhist influences such as “The Heart Sutra'' was another passage she studied but was never truly satisfied with the answers she found. She could not experience what these books about consciousness taught, until she was introduced to the Zhineng Qigong practice.

Emotional healing is a central theme to Mariana’s “Consciousness Lab”, a group of like-minded individuals who discuss these insights among each other. The mind tends to separate or compartmentalize thoughts and emotions, which was evident in the books she studied. When the mind-body separation occurs, it can result in suffering. In Qigong, it’s “Shen” that moves “Qi”. To perceive your thoughts without reaction is to bring Qi back to yourself, back to the present moment and allow for unity or “oneness” to ensue.

Zhineng Qigong practitioners, instructors and followers will gain invaluable information on deepening their practice and understanding of foundational consciousness concepts. Learn how emotional balance through Qigong can transform your life and explore the benefits of Zhineng Qigong for holistic wellness.

Tune in for this insightful episode!

Mindful Moments:

- How the concept of oneness relates to mind-body separation and suffering
- Chinese philosophy: Understanding Shen (the conscious mind) and Qi (vital life force) in relation to consciousness
- Buddhism teachings from the Heart Sutra
- Tao Te Ching principles: The way of nature and impacts on human existence
- In Zhineng Qigong your thoughts are "just the story of your life repeating itself"
- “Intention vs wishes” in Zhineng Qigong practice.
- Holistic health: Integrating mind-body connection through Zhineng Qigong
- Emotion Healing with Zhineng Qigong: powerful techniques for emotional regulation
- Developing awareness: Perception, without reaction in Zhineng Qigong

#holistichealth #meditationpractice #emotionalhealing #zhinengqigong

Links & Resources:
🎙️🌟Explore more podcasts, events, and resources visit: www.zhineng-qigong-students-hub.com/

Contact Mariana - unasoy.com/

If you prefer the audio version, click here: www.zhineng-qigong-students-hub.com/podcast/

コメント (9)
  • Thank you Mariana, I am so grateful for having you as a teacher💙 .
  • Thanks Mariana and Torsten for this podcast. I got a lot of "aha" moments and connecting the dots. Great talk Mariana, thank you for sharing your understanding of Zhineng Qigong.🙏
  • Wonderful, wonderful 🙏🙏 Please let me know when there is an English translation on your website and YouTube offerings thank you, thank you 🙏🙏
  • Illuminating!!! Please let me know when you offer anything in English: a group, podcast, utube, written.... Thank you ANN Masad
  • Love these videos - and this one really caught my attention. Thanks Torsten and Mariana ❤ Even though I have to unlearn it all after watching it 🙂
  • Thank you for all your beautiful potcasts. I always waiting for the next one ❤❤❤