《恭喜發財》- 墨爾本肇風中樂團 Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra《Kung Hei Fat Choi》

Published 2024-02-08
《恭喜發財》 指揮:陳一平
墨爾本肇風中樂團獻上-《恭喜發財》, 祝大家新年快樂, 財源廣進, 恭喜發財!

《Kung Hei Fat Choi》 Conductor: Yat Ping Chan
Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra wishing you a Happy and Prosperous New Year, Kung Hei Fat Choi, Gongxi Facai!

Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra 肇風中樂團 thank the University of Melbourne provides rehearsal venue since 1982 when Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra was founded!
Recording Venue: Melba Hall
We also thank the following volunteers for their time and effort!
Audio recording & Sound Mix: Jan Wong
Video recording: Angus Cheng
Video editing: Aaron Chan


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