Statins... what keto doctors don't tell you

There is more to a cholesterol panel in predicting the risk of a heart attack, but what does that cholesterol panel actually tell you about "good" vs "bad" LDL cholesterol?

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コメント (21)
  • @powerguiller
    Cholesterol was found at the crime scene trying to stop the inflammation, and then arrested by statins and charged with murder. While sugar, pollution, toxic chemicals, industrialized seed oils & chronic stress made a clean getaway and they are nowhere to be found.
  • @clark3830
    I am a physician of 40 years and just retired last year. My father had severe cardiovascular problems with a pacemaker (that could jumpstart his heart if needed). I always told him do not take statins. He lived to just one week before his 92 birthday. He was not the only patient of mine living between 90-100 years old.
  • @meg66
    Cholesterol doesn't cause heart disease. Metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance are stronger culprits.
  • They're heavily prescribed because they're profitable. The same reason for covid and flu jabs
  • My biggest issue is statins remove large particle ldl not the small ones that cause all the damage. We have been lied to for years about cholesterol.
  • I recognize this memory loss in my father. I have forwarded this info to him and mom and they tell me I’m not a Dr (correct) and I’ve probably been watching YouTube (correct again). He not listen because he believes that as soon as he stops taking them it’s over. Well, I tried several times (years) and am at peace with it. He’s 83, diabetic and active. He’s already beat the odds. Thanks Dad for having been around this long! 🙏❤️
  • My 65 yo sister is on keto for her epilepsy. Her LDL was very high. But she got the extra analysis of the molecular size of her lipids, which was what some doctors consider lower risk. Then she asked for a carotid artery scan. It came up with ZERO plaque. So they stopped pushing statins on her (she had been on statins prior to keto and they caused her significant pain.)
  • @robyn3349
    I took a statin for three months. I was told there would be NO side effects. There were severe side effects, I became 'demented' and lethargic. Be careful.
  • @e.miller8943
    After a heart attack at age 80, I decided to give statins one more try. I quit them three different times because of muscle pain, but I read recently that low doses of statins could be beneficial even though they didn't lower cholesterol to desired levels. After muscle pain and now brain fog, I am finally through with statins for good. Another thing doctors don't tell you about statins is that although they slightly lower the risk of heart attack, they don't lower the risk of death.
  • Been a paramedic for 30 years. I see just as many people in cardiac arrest or having a stroke who have been on a statin as those who do not take statins. There is literally no difference. Based on what I see, lifestyle and diet are the biggest contributors to health issues.
  • I don't know anyone who hasn't had a heart attack due to statins.... all people around me who should take statins because of high cholesterol also suffered a heart attack - statins destroy a lot in the body, that's why I decided against it - have a great weekend and greetings from Germany❤
  • @susieq1386
    My LDL is 420 after being on keto for 10 months. I lost 70 pounds. I’m 65 weigh 135 and am 5’8”. I’m no longer on bp meds. No longer obese. Trigs are 50 and HDL is 96. Doctor pushing statin. Refused. Now seeing cardiologist. Did Ecco stress test and echocardiogram. All good. Then I did bp monitor for 24 hours. All good. Then 48 hour holter monitor. No signs of problems. Bp perfect and no signs of heart issues. Now sending me for CAC scan. I’ve also done the ultrasound on my carotid arteries. Very minimal signs of plaque. I finally got results of CAC score. Whilst not 0 it was 7.7. Now doctor wants to put me on another cholesterol drug since refused statin. Still refusing.
  • More than twenty years ago I had clogged arteries, which I cleaned down to 0%. I couldn’t figure out how I was able to do this. This video helped me understand it. I must have had insulin resistance and NAFLD, which increased the resident time of the “bullet” LDL in the circulatory system. The rate of deposition of the bullets LDL exceeded the rate of clearing it by the immune cells. Changing dramatically my eating habits fixed my insulin resistance and NAFLD. With zero new deposits and a certain rate of clearing, done by the immune cells, my arteries became perfectly clean, without any meds. Now I know. Thank you Dr. Boz for giving me the answer!
  • @raymorris952
    Family member took them for 15 year's, after 5 years he became tyre 2 diabetic, last year triple heart by-pass! Lowering his cholesterol didn't stop him getting heart disease, A low carb diet probably would have.
  • @LisaSobie
    Thank you so much for all the straightforward and easy to understand info you share with us Dr. Boz! I’ve been binge watching all your videos since I received and read your Keto Continuum book and workbook. My ketone order arrives today and I’m stoked to get started!
  • I agree with many of the prior comments - you really nailed it in this video Dr Boz. Well done, and thank you!
  • @CatholicSatan
    I had statins prescribed because my triglycerides were off the chart (so I was told). But statins had a horrible effect on me. I went as white as a sheet, skin was peeling off my knuckles, my ears itched like mad, I was beginning to have memory problems... the effects went on and on. My sister, who was a cardiac nurse at the time, told me it sounded like my endocrine system was being battered. I stopped after 3 months. Some 20 years later, now in my 70s, my heart is strong, my arteries clear. I reduced my triglycerides with some simple lifestyle changes (not that it was at all unhealthy) and my triglyceride numbers are down. Furthermore, there are some 241 species of triglyceride and 29 of them are associated with longevity. A triglyceride count is too simplistic. Doctors have a habit if recommending statins (and just about any pharmacological intervention) with ease when a better (and cheaper) approach is often simply to change your lifestyle.
  • @fisterhr
    There's only 4 things I care about when it comes to routine checkups: 1) Fasting Glucose levels 2) Fasting Insulin levels 3) Triglyceride levels & 4) Vitamin D levels. As long as those four are in the correct range, I'm good. I could care less if my cholestorel levels are through the roof. I once saw an old video here where a female doctor stated that from her years of experience treating patients including old patients, she noticed that the people that lived the longest were the ones with HIGH cholesterol levels and were not taking statins.
  • This is the best video I have ever seen on the subject. Thank you, Doctor Boz!
  • Cholesterol is not your enemy! I wish doctors would drop this misleading mantra!!!