Keir Starmer reacts to Boris Johnson surprise election appearance

Tories 'wheeling out Boris Johnson' is evidence they will not change, says Sir Keir Starmer

Sir Keir Starmer told activists in Carmarthenshire that the Conservatives have proven they don't want change by wheeling out Boris Johnson, campaigning with David Cameron and using Liz Truss's policies.

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Boris Johnson makes surprise election appearance as Tories turn to disgraced ex-PM to save campaign…

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コメント (21)
  • Did you see the state of Johnson? Looked like he spent the night in a skip,but then he always did give that impression
  • Yes you thought leaving Normandy early was a clanger,well here's an even better one. Im actually shocked he didn't wheel in Liz the Lettuce for one last hurrah 😅
  • Boris the Clown was the last thing the Tories needed to remind people of. Another gaffe.
  • My personal view is Bozo knew exactly what he was doing; fully aware that Sunak knifed him in the back, he knew that his appearance would be extremely toxic to the campaign and revelled in that fact.
  • Johnson at 60 looks even weirder than ever. The jimmy saville hair, the sleep on park benches clothes. I wouldn't let him near the kids.
  • But it wouldn't be the same if they got back in on Friday. Think about it, if after all the appalling things they've done, they could still get even the flimsiest mandate from the public (fair means or foul), they'd assume untouchability personified and ramp up the cruelty, corruption and neglect to almost (but not quite) unimaginable levels.
  • Johnson really has no shame, I can only imagine how staggeringly thick you'd have to be that his appearance would sway you to vote Tory.
  • Truss, Johnson and Sunak like tree riders of UK economy apocalypse.
  • @Altair885
    Yup, let's remind everybody how bad the Tories were😂
  • @TimThat
    He makes a really good point here. The Tories can change the leader but they would be the same old mess regardless.
  • @Burt-ok2ho
    Bojo, looking more like Michael Fabricant's lovechild !😂
  • Vote Conservative for more of this: 1. Highest energy bills in Europe. 2. Highest taxes in 70 years. 3. Highest interest rates since 2008. 4. Highest train fares in Europe. 5. Longest waiting lists in NHS history. 6. Raw sewage pumped into rivers and our coastline. 7. Lowest corporate taxes in 50 years. 8. Lowest State Pension in Europe. 9. Highest Immigration both legal and illegal ever. 10. Destroyed the NHS dentist service. 11. Brought the Brexit vote and ruined the country. 12. One failed Prime Minister after another. 13. Worlds shortest in post Prime Minister. 14. More corrupt MP's than any other party in parliament. 15. Europes longest Austerity for the lower paid. 16. Highest Council Tax rates in the World. 17. Reduced our Armed Forces more than any other G8 country. 18. Highest number of MP's that have been arrested for sexual offences. 19. Highest number of MP's that have been sacked for corruption and Fraudulent acts. 20. Voted to allow Bankers to have unlimited bonus's even though the bankers caused the crash of 2008. 21. More libraries closed due to council cuts than any other modern country. 22. Ruined and destroyed the Train services by giving private companies tax payers money as subsidies. 23. Voted against Labours creation of the minimum wage. 24. Water companies failing to produce safe drinking water due to profits going to the rich shareholders normally in other countries. 25. Trebled the National Debt whilst giving Tax cuts to the rich. 26. Promised £350 million per week after Brexit for our NHS. 27. Promised 40 brand new hospitals of which one was built. 28. Had a Liar and a Criminal Prime Minister, which is a G8 first. 29. And a Prime minister who crashed the economy and increased the mortgages of hundreds of thousands of people but was in office less time than a Lettuce is on a supermarket shelf. 30. The biggest increase in Foodbanks with some stupid Tories even bragging that they have more foodbanks in their constituency. 31. Increasing the mega rich people wealth whilst causing the biggest cost of living crisis the UK has ever seen. 32. And finally, wasted billions of Tax payers money on crony PPE contracts for their friends and other Tory donators many of which made millions and invest it in tax havens. God bless the Tories. The most evil and corrupt party this country has ever seen. It beggars belief that any working class person would ever vote for these self serving corrupt Tories.!
  • Is it me,but does BoJo look like Widdecombe on a very bad day?😊😊😊
  • @SP-lw7mr
    All those hard working kids living at home amassing savings for the house they’ll never afford better watch out. Labour are coming for those savings
  • Boris what a joke please get them out 😱🤮🤦🤮🤦‍♂️🤦
  • @bowlampar
    Voters just want 'change', they are tired of 'same'. No matter what is the 'Change', it is better than the 'same' for them.😄😁