Storm aftermath: Roads washed out, closed across Brunswick County

Brunswick County is recovering after Potential Tropical Cyclone 8 swept through the area on Monday, causing major damage and flooding.

コメント (15)
  • Our road infrastructure in NC is inadequate for the increasingly ferocious storms😮
  • So, what if a really bad storm happens during the voting period and only mail-in ballots are available to count as people can't get to polling places due to washed out roads or high winds?
  • @marketads1
    Time for billionaires to pay taxes. Government can’t help all the states with disasters as climate change goes on.
  • It looks like to me Cooper and DOT aren't doing their job again if they did the roads won't be falling apart and people like me won't have my yard flooded every time it rains because they have all of it turned on my yard I have tried for nine years to get something done about it talked to all of the so big dogs at Dot ofcourse nobody will do anything about it they say they can't Direct the water butt they have it directed on me unbelievable. I guess if you are a member of the good old boy club on matter who you are a cop a government officer person are who ever you can do what you want to the people of the state just make sure you pay your taxes so they can keep doing what ever they want
  • :face-blue-smiling::face-blue-smiling::face-blue-smiling::face-blue-smiling::face-blue-smiling::face-blue-smiling::face-blue-smiling::face-blue-smiling::face-blue-smiling::face-blue-smiling::face-blue-smiling::face-blue-smiling:
  • @Jazzfestn
    I thought we were having "global WARMING" - not global rain! Bwa ha ha!