Thousands across UK applaud NHS workers on third week of #clapforcarers

Published 2020-04-09
Thousands of people across the country have taken to their streets, gardens and windows to pay tribute to NHS workers and carers for the third consecutive week. 
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All Comments (21)
  • @jezmorgan5440
    wow so many people stood next to each other bloody crazy
  • @azmosam4572
    I'm an essential worker who has to be up by 2AM. The 8PM clap completely interrupts my sleep.
  • @Glund117
    Cant believe people are doing this, it reminds me of those who change their Facebook profile pic after a tragedy and act as if their helping in some way
  • @scottdixon2505
    Why just for the nhs? There's still a lot of other people working that's keeping the country going.
  • @chill-_-839
    clapping in crowds seems to be more important than social distancing.
  • @futcant1
    Does anyone else find the clapping in poor taste?
  • @sophierose8002
    They really do be standing pretty close to each other tho in some of those scenes
  • @coolshabz7755
    Lol that guy clapping next to sheeps baaaaaa baaaaa🤣
  • @darcywhyman196
    I appreciate what the nhs dose hugely but it isn’t over yet don’t use this as an excuse to congregate and possibly spread it
  • @jimmypellas5937
    Glad to see that I'm not the only one that finds the clapping ritual eerie. . Amazing how these social engineers Achieve total gullibility and obedience in so many folk....
  • @mycool8357
    Instead of A round of applause how about a hefty pay rise! I hope after all this we all remember our nurses and bus drivers and supermarket workers. These jobs are essential to our country. After this is all over We need to re evaluate what’s really important in society look at the bankers bonuses for example makes me sick when the country is in crisis it’s the working class minimum wage workers that are holding it all together.
  • No disrespect to the NHS workers of course but all of that was pure virtue signaling and cringey.
  • @basix250
    Gathering for just clapping, brilliant. Much better than stay in the home. /s
  • The influence Social Media has over people's lives aye, it's like a game of Simon Says init???