Should you Hibernate, Shut down, or put your PC to sleep?

Published 2015-09-05
Some people put their PCs to sleep to save energy, some people DISABLE sleep so they always have access, but what's the best solution for you? Whether a PC should be set to hibernate, sleep, or be shut off depends on the situation, and your personal preferences regarding gluten-free food. Don't ask me how that works in, it just does.

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Episode Credits:
Host: Linus Sebastian
Writer: Riley Murdock
Editor: Barret Murdock

All Comments (21)
  • @JustinHallPlus
    I turn off my PC, unplug it, and then completely disassemble it and place all of the components in static resistance bags, and then I reassemble it when it's time to start back up.
  • @spicecrop
    I pour water on mine until it sparks and shuts off, then in the morning I use a blow drier until it powers up. I never have any problems with that method.
  • "Fans are cheap to replace, hard drives are not..." 2020 me: tell that to corsair.
  • @Krenisphia
    Sleep mode when I go to bed. (5-7 hrs) Hibernate when I go to work (9-12 hrs) On for the rest of the time because I have no life outside of the above.
  • @AlqGo
    Until the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, the seas go dry, and mountains blow in the wind like leaves, mine shall always be on.
  • @chriswellz5993
    I throw away the computer and get a new one whenever I need to use one again. It's a pricey lifestyle, but I haven't had any issues with my computer(s)
  • @Name-yf6xp
    "SSD Storage is expensive" 2019 ppl be watching like wth Edit: 2020 me be like Edit: 2021 me be like Edit: 2022 me be like
  • Im a simple man I turn my computer on when i use it, I turn it off when i dont need it. Simple.
  • Well my pc sounds like a bloody jet engine so I’m turning it off as much as possible to hear my own thoughts.
  • @sufian-ben
    This guy really is impressive, NCIX should really give him a big raise before he quits and makes his own tech tips channel, actually he should do that regardless.
  • @Quares02
    I let my pc smoke marijuana Now he is hibernating
  • How I do it is: Turn it on when I wake up in the morning, use it a little. Turn it off when I leave for work. Turn it on when I get home I turn it off when I go to bed
  • @JasonDiveGuy
    When my pc wakes from hibernation it goes and eats salmon for an hour :/
  • @fakskis
    i have a friend who never shuts off his pc, and i've been mentioning every now and then that i think he should turn it off when he's not using it. and a few weeks ago, his pc died and needed a replacement part to work again. i ain't saying i knew that this would happen, but i fucking knew that that shit would happen
  • @ace2i878
    On when I'm awake, sleeps when I sleep, off when I die.
  • @Zampther
    I shut down and unplug, no good reason i just newer felt comfortable knowing appliances had power while i sleep. Guess its a irrational fear of fire or maby deep down i fear they are gonna revolt in my sleep and take over Earth.
  • @InnoRative
    Sadly Hibernation Mode is Gone in the latest Windows 10 Update..
  • @InfoSecGuardian
    For Desktops... You might want to turn it off AND unplug it if Lightening is in the area. For all computers... Another good reason to shut it off (or at least sleep or hibernate) is to protect your computer from Viruses (i.e. even though you aren't doing anything, someone else may remotely penetrate your defenses and access it while it's unattended).