「溫哥華睇樓團」Richmond Bridgeport 獨立屋|6套房4廁所 3,062呎 特高樓底|地理位置正中方便

Published 2022-07-06
【任何溫哥華地產問題歡迎聯絡 👉🏼 Leo Chan】
🔍 FB : facebook.com/leochanrealtor
📸 IG: www.instagram.com/kelleo.real...
📲 Whatsapp/Signal: (604) 446-9569
📮 Email: [email protected]

Richmond Bridgheport 罕見有六個套房3千尺的獨立屋,適合三代同堂一齊住 🏡 一手業主 keep 得非常好,而且位置處於安靜回旋路內街,額外寧靜、私隱度高。後園旁

地址:2271 Davies Place, Richmond

𝙏𝙚𝙖𝙢 𝙆𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙤
Kelly Zheng PREC | Leo Chan PREC
📩 i

All Comments (13)
  • @vicmonky
    咁多介紹溫哥華地產的影片,最喜歡看Leo, 解說簡潔,又講得好清楚👍
  • Leo 對樓房推介愈做愈好, 雖然今次算有兩個"蝦碌” 位, 但整體嘅推介屬水準以上, BTW, if the toilet is separated from the Rise & Shine and Bathing area, 現時流行叫做乾濕分離式設計👍👍👏👏🐷
  • It is a nice house with decent and functional layout! Nice presentation Leo! Wonder the area of Bridgeport good to live as some friends told there is Sulfur nearby which air quality not very good? Also close to flight line will be more noisy? Pls correct me if what I heard is wrong all I heard from my old friends in Vancouver Thanks again for such a nice video sharing
  • @ericchan335
    Leo, 屋內有點舊,可否提供業主當年買入價,估約$50萬!
  • 屋內設計已經不合時宜,邊度仲有兩個睡房share一個廁所㗎?兩公婆,兩姐妹都話可以,兩兄妹就唔係咁好. 另外後園呈三角形,地方唔見使!除咗浴室有天窗外,Leo哥介紹四間睡房時,所站嘅位置明顯光猛,相信又係有天窗. 天窗=漏財,最忌!