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Leo Chan 溫哥華地產經紀

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About Leo Chan 溫哥華地產經紀

Hello 大家好!我係香港出世土生土長,中五之後黎到溫哥華讀高中同埋大學。畢業後回港工作數年,最後都係覺得加拿大 Lifestyle 比較合適自己,所以再次回到溫哥華從事地產行業。希望我的親身經驗同心路歷程對背景相似的回流及移民既朋友有幫助!

Born in Hong Kong and educated in Vancouver, Leo is passionate about real estate in big cities. Throughout your different stages of life, whether you are a first time home buyer, a growing family, a retiring downsizer, or an avid investor, he will be there every step of the way to facilitate your real estate goal.

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