The ADHD diagnosis that changed my life. What happened, how my life got so bad and what I'm doing.

How two separate psychiatrists in two different countries diagnosed me, just one day apart. And for anyone out there wondering if they or their loved ones might also have undiagnosed ADHD, this video is for you.

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Here is the link to that book Ollie mentioned.  This is for information purposes only and we don’t take any commission or make any money if anyone buys a copy.
Disclaimer - this is Ollie talking about his personal experience as a patient for information purposes and does not constitute advice or recommendations in any way, and we are not liable for any risks or issues for anyone acting upon the information in this video or in the comments.   Please always consult a reputable qualified professional medical or healthcare professional around health issues like this.
Thank you for watching.

コメント (21)
  • I am so proud of you, Ollie, that you went to the doctor, got a diagnosis and are treating it. That itself is so huge. It will make a difference for you and all your loved ones. Warm wishes from snowy Chicago.
  • OLLIE,…we are listening and sending you much courage. So happy you have discovered what is going on.
  • @TheFiown
    I used to think that I was a 'good' person, that I was fair and caring and never consciously hurt anyone until one day I realised that it was a lie. I had neglected myself, put myself last (a remnant of my protestant upbringing maybe) and that I had hurt myself in the process. I am very forgiving until it comes to myself but I am working on it each day, a bit late in the day but it's important to look inwards and if you are not your best then you cannot be your best for others and so forth. How touching this 'confession' dear Oliver, I do wish that you find peace and harmony and you take more time for you. Wishing you and you lovely family much love. xoxoxo
  • I’m so happy you now know how to live in peace. We all love you Oliver. And you’re not alone.
  • Honestly, as someone who has moderate to severe ADHD, I'm really surprised (and also not!) that you hadn't been diagnosed before, because it seemed pretty clear to me just from seeing you on your vlogs that you probably had ADHD. And to be honest, given how many of the YouTubers I follow have disclosed their ADHD diagnoses, I think there is probably a pretty high proportion of YouTubers who also have ADHD. I'm glad more people are talking about it and that more people are getting help because of it.
  • I was late diagnosed last year at 45. I felt like I was losing my mind or had dementia. It is quite common for women this age to be diagnosed as they go into peri-menopause. Research is coming out about the links between the hormonal changes in women during adolescence and peri-menopause and the worsening of ADHD symptoms. My sister told me she had been diagnosed and her symptoms and I went straight to the doctor. It still took 18 months to get an appointment with the psychiatrist and cost over $800. Medication and a mental health professional to help me with strategies has been life changing for me. Especially with managing the anxiety that often comes along with ADHD.
  • When you said you got the diagnosis and then said “it explains so much” it was a powerful statement. Bravo for the courage to realize you needed help and acting on that. This video is probably the most important one you will ever make. Best wishes on your journey.
  • You don’t realise how much you are helping others. Bravo to you and thankyou. ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅
  • @joymarks4174
    I was diagnosed at age 35. Life changing to finally know why somethings are so hard. I'm very glad you have some answers and strategies to help you cope. Neurodivergents Unite!!!
  • @nancynally
    I was diagnosed right before turning 40...I know what you mean about the relief, feeling like things make sense! But also the mourning, because I realized exactly how much of my potential had been lost to the lack of diagnosis. I'm not able to take medication but even just having the knowledge helps to find coping mechanisms. Thanks for talking about this...too many people still think adult ADHD doesn't exist.
  • @pipmurray1419
    My gosh Ollie, you’re such a brave person to tell everyone- that takes a lot of strength and acceptance. I did notice that you had put on a lot of weight and you both weren’t looking very happy before the end of last year. I thought it was the weight and stress of the house. Camilla would be lot happier too I would say with the outcome ,because you look amazing ….you really do. You look as if you’ve just turned a page into happiness. Well done and I’m so pleased
  • @dorislong9420
    Ollie, so pleased you got help. Wishing you a much less stressful life from here forward.
  • @bettytali1827
    My goodness, it must be such a relief. Not an easy road ahead but I feel with the support of your loved ones I am confident you will conquer this and I must say, your demeanour is so different. More focused gaze and easy flowing chat. Thank you for letting us in and sharing. I wish you all the best.
  • I'm so glad you went to the doctor Oliver. I was diagnosed as a child and took a break from medication for about 10 years after I left college, but last year I got back on the medication because I started to notice how hard everything was for me to do. Medication and organization tactics are so helpful. Thanks for sharing with everyone to destigmatize ADHD
  • Thank you for sharing ❤ My daughter was diagnosed with ADHD 12 months ago when she was 20 years old. Life changing for her after commencing on her medication, Psychiatrist, GP & following her favourite YouTube ADHD groups. Initially she cried after the first day on her medication because of the huge difference, she said ‘mum do I have ‘dementia’ ? She has moved on and now fully embraces her Neurodiverse Brain 🧠 ❤
  • Hey, Ollie. What a beautiful video. You are a brave person, and also very kind. I'm glad you found clarity and ease with your meds. You and Camilla are wonderful beings. So glad you found an answer and so proud you let others know, so it helps them too! Kudos dear Ollie! Happy New Year to you all! (and LOVE the new kitty!😻)
  • My grandson has adhd and has been taking mild meds for a few years now and he’s only 12. The meds turned everything around and results were noticed immediately-like you he’s an aspiring artist and very sharp. Thank you Ollie and Many Blessings!!
  • Thanks for sharing this with all of us. Both of my sons were diagnosed with ADHD as children. Now, as adults, they are having different effects and ways of managing it on their own. I am glad that you are working things out. It's great!
  • Thank you Oliver for sharing what is going on in your life! So often bloggers will only show us the good, also for a man to go and be proactive in his health quest is brilliant. I can’t get my husband to go to the doc! I look forward to seeing how you and your family are getting on but only when you feel up for it! Love from a Brit who lives in Australia 🤗
  • To the loveable, wonderful Ollie! How wonderful of you to share this. It is so helpful to many people. You are just a good person, and your beautiful wife is so supportive to be by you. ❤ My daughter lives in Valencia, Spain, also agrees on the medical care. She loves it and the attention they have given her. 👌🏼