If You Were Trapped Alone In A Room Forever (Timeline)

What if you had to spend a whole DAY inside a CELL? What about a week? What if... you could NEVER LEAVE? From the moment you're thrown into a concrete room, explore the terrifying physical and psychological health effects of prolonged isolation, loneliness, and inactivity. Spoiler alert: it gets really, really bad.

This probability comparison/comparison video is based on relevant sources and community discussions. All numbers and facts listed might not be up to date, valid, or in any specific order.

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コメント (21)
  • @nothyiscool
    if you never left solitary confinement then you would be alone
  • @table5584
    “After 11 months” “After 1 months” “After 3 years”
  • @DreamLolHand
    Imagine: If the time machine appears in solidarity confinement, and try travel 100 years from now, and see how it looks like in 2123. I think you are life prisoned
  • @Josueeeszee
    So what happens if you grew your bones and it never stops.
  • Gosh could you imagine being in solitary confinement and not aging?
  • just give me one snapple ice tea and ill live for about a week
  • 0:26 I actually cried when I saw the one for 1 hour in. I can't imagine how much harm that's done to my body
  • @excripto1
    As a hikkikomori I see this as an ultimate win.
  • @reginha2010
    You must change the month into year that following text: Attempt To End Life Description: They took away your knives, so there's nothing in here for you to use. Change this time: 1 Months -> 1 Year