What It's Like to Drive Thru Tulum 1080p - Zona Hotelera Tulum, Quintana Roo #tulum #zonahotelera

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I always wondered what Tulum actually looked like. I took a video of what it looks like to ride through the main beach road. There are two roads: the one that goes through the main part of town and then this one, which goes along the beach. Most of the best hotels, restaurants, and bars are here. But as you can see, it is still a bit underdeveloped.

That being said, to get from the main road downtown to this road takes about 30 minutes, even though it is only 2-3 miles. That's because the roads there are still very underdeveloped and made of dirt with lots of holes. Pedestrians, bikes, and cars all share the same road, so the people walking and biking are definitely brave.

This main beach road was definitely congested most days and especially at night. It would take about 30 minutes to drive about a mile at night. It's like traffic on Mardi Gras basically. And there isn't that much room for pedestrians walking on the side of the road. You have to constantly be vigilant of cars passing by, as everyone has to squeeze to make space.

All this being said, I don't want to sound too much like I am bashing the city. I would definitely describe it as "Millennial Spring Break," so I definitely vibed with that. The prices are high, and the infrastructure is still catching up, but the aesthetic of the bars, hotels, and restaurants is very good.

I just think it's going to take some time for the infrastructure to catch up to the amount of people coming there. It's very hot and humid, even for me being from the South, the people working construction there are badasses.

Tulum was super fun - just get a place on this street and be prepared to walk, that's all. If you walk around, it's very enjoyable to get around. But if you have to travel back and forth downtown, you might get tired of that after a couple days!

Hope this video is interesting. Let me know how you like it.

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