An Unexpected Lesson in Respect

The wise professor once again teaches his class another valuable lesson. This unexpected lesson is about showing respect to our fellow. At times we over look the hard work or appreciate the people in our lives, we take them for granted. Always remember to respect your fellow human beings because ultimately we are all part of the same family.


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Director/ Producer:
Meir Kay

DP/ Edit:
Joris Reynaud

Elliot Fuchs

Kim Emerson

Danielle Tsipora Weiner
Eli Goldberg
Pedro Junior
Jeremiah Moniz
Anissa Williams
Nathaniel Green
Sam Gelman
Yossi Hoffman
Tahnie Hanouka
Nili Shore
Mark Radin
Boonie Laskey

コメント (21)
  • @Supreme40x
    the way you respect people most don’t even look at is how you threaten anybody in your life - this defines who is a good person and who has a bad attitude 😢
  • If nothing else, the gift of giving your attention and kindness is repaid immediately. Need a smile, give a smile. Really good message.
  • This shows us that something that's so little has an even deeper meaning to it, even how small it is. It gives us a lesson. It gives us a meaning. It gives us a reminder on what we should be.
  • Respect is confusing nowadays for me, seems that people demand their respect aggressively when they haven’t earned it. They want to be feared not respected.
  • I live by this, in fact I feel uncomfortable around snobbish ppl because you don’t know whether they’re genuine or not and most times than not, they’re superficial.
  • DECENCY & RESPECT is something this Americus & every state, city & town is much in need of ..
  • Ollie... and Sallie. Those were the names of the two women who were the primary custodians at the college which I attended multiple decades ago. When I was first there, as a student, I happened to notice that they were somewhat 'invisible' to most all of my classmates, who simply passed by them without acknowledging their presence through either a nod of their head, a smile, or even a simple 'Hello'... let alone ever actually stopping to have a conversation with either of them. I gave each of them a greeting by name, and fairly often had conversations with each of them, following that first time in which we spoke with one another... those things taking place not only during my time there as a student, but also when I returned as an adjunct faculty member a few years after graduating. They were both somewhat shy and reserved women in their general natures, but that in no way prevented our having had many interesting conversations with one another over the years. A simple 'Hello' isn't anywhere near as difficult to give to another as the actions... or, lack thereof... of so many in our society would at first glance make it appear to be.
  • Respect is like success it build on a foundation of lies and manipulation. Hard work pays off keep working wagies oh here a bone called respect
  • 💯True. So sad that respect is non-existent in today's society. We are the cause of our fall.
  • @boboi6910
    ... heaven through you...decision...eyes...Ty JESUS
  • there are many reasons why it is important to respect people diferences
  • The only way of gaining the respect you want is by earning it, not demanding it.
  • @Bill0102
    This is a fantastic elaboration. A kindred book I read had a lasting imprint on me. "Kindness Unveiled: A Journey to a Happier Life" by why i live a happy life
  • I myself have experienced an unexpected lesson in respect. It was after I was disrespectful to a worker. I took him to his boss’s office for his outgoing, tactile behavior at work. I told him he shouldn't touch anyone without consent. Just handshakes. I said we needed the workers to be comfortable in a good work environment, that he pretty much shouldn't talk about anything other than work and school. How he shouldn't tell his stories because they may be inappropriate to some degree to the other workers; funny to him only. I think he’s about 25. He seemed pretty quiet and uncomfortable during my speech. Answered a question or two with a nod and headshake. Then, that night, he fought a burly brute in downtown--who had a knife. The worker risked his life to save a would-be victim, despite being unarmed, shorter, and inexperienced in fighting. He could've easily gotten kiIIed. He almost did in fact. I was horrified when the man seemingly jabbed the knife in the worker's stomach (of course, the angle blocked my view). My worker was barely able to grip the knife-hand in time before it got IN. He got REALLY lucky. He kicked the brute below, got the knife, and hit the guy's head with the handle. I praised him for overpowering his enemy and saving a life but he told me I didn't truly respect him. That if it hadn't been for his heroism, I would've still thought very less of him. And you know what? I think he's right. I should've respected him before he vanquished an armed enemy. Heck, I should've been more delicate and sensitive when speaking to him. More filter, less touching at work? Yeah, but compromise would've been fine. Like, only touching friendly coworkers he gets along great with. It's perfectly natural to causally touch or tap people without it being creepy. He never meant to be that word. He just needed some limits. I should’ve shown more patience and respect. A brief talk in the hall, not formerly in the office with his boss present. And I shouldn’t have asked her if there anything she wanted to add. Plain insensitive. The guy never meant any discomfort or harm. He deserved better from me. I'm a jerk.
  • But what if you give respect to others and they doesnt give respect back? im a simply cleanman on my work. If i greet other people on my work they does'nt greet me back. The office workers doesnt like me because im a cleanman (i think thats te reasson they dont greet me back). After months at that office i stopped greeting those peoples is that wrong of me or not?