You know you have CMT when....part2

Published 2013-04-05
EDIT FROM ELIZABETH: Bethany wrote a book!! Order her beautiful memoir about growing up with CMT on Amazon:

All Comments (21)
  • @annabanana6795
    The worst is when you can't fit in with your friends because you can't wear the same sandals and shoe as them😔 and when people think you're just lazy and don't want to open your drink yourself
  • OMG this is my day......I have all those problems and more. but two months ago I started walking, first day 500 steps and now 2 months later we are walking around 2300 steps...and I also use a cane and some braces for my balance....I enjoy life to much to stop trying...keep it up and good luck
  • @mandigrace6329
    Omg! I'm always afraid if I ever get pulled over, I wouldn't be able to do the walk test...
  • lol Throws the umbrella down and walks back inside !! Awesome ! If I was 15 years younger, and single, you'd be in trouble lol Thanks for sharing :)
  • @atabish3031
    Yes I know it's nice to know you're not alone
  • @julianocg
    I hate shirts with buttons too! I only use polo shirts.
  • @Aarons1aunt
    So funny. I just started to have issues. They really do not know what I have yet. I feel exactly the way you describe
  • @Guineamick
    <3 this makes me feel so much better that people share the same things i go through
  • @EpiphanyJunkie
    Jeeze this rings so true. Gotta laugh to keep from crying! I’d totally be your friend and Netflix binge with you on hurty days.
  • @Gader125
    Lmao! Thanks. Been thru so many alcohol/drug screenings over the years for my gait. I just laugh every time. I've been pulled out of my car by police, given breathalyzers, taken down to booking and had blood drawn. Embarrassing to say the least. Don't forget to mention when the lights go out at night. Boom...crash...thud! (i'm ok..really) lol
  • @zuquezada2703
    I CTM and I 've noticed that everyone who does not walk like other people who also have it , everyone is different . Thanks for the video at least we're not alone. Greetings México, DF
  • @ayaquika
    you know you're not alone when you see this video I I have cmt :D Im from mexico df
  • @klartava
    I'm 71 now and cmt is now kicking my ass. my oldest daughter has it and my 13 year old granddaughter also. I almost cried seeing this young lady walking, like me, what a positive video this is, wish they would find a cure
  • @rdidri
    Great video. My brother has CMT. (By the way, you look like Katie Holmes- beautiful!)